Caption Action
with Elaine Santore and Luke Thomas
Fake Question Time 6 Edition

Mayor Gavin Newsom provided his usual soft-shoe performance
for the sixth installment of his town hall lecture
campaign stop meeting series,
this time around in the heart of Board Prez Aaron Peskin territory.

This month's meeting focused on transportation,
and plans for the SFMTA's Central Subway System.

SFMTA Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer, Nathaniel (Nat)
P. Ford, Sr.,
didn't look too happy to be there.

"Take me to your leader

Rose Pak (center) brought a bunch of her people to fill the seats.

There were also plenty of department heads present, including
Police Chief Heather Fong.

There was also a sprinkling of Newsom's Kool-Aider regulars.

Newsom asked the crowd, "Who wants a faster Muni?" Um,

The meeting was a rager, fo sho.
Waky-Wakies ladies... it's medication time!

Rose Pak to Newsom: "Move it along buckwheat,
Rent-A-Body charge double-time on weekends."

This woman said that she had to go to the police station to find
directions to the meeting and said she "Was grateful to meet
somebody there who spoke English." Awkward.

Team Gavin had a couple of translators on hand.

Treasure Island Development Authority President Claudine Cheng

Sorry, Gavin, but you can't hide in the crowd.

This woman's question started out light-hearted and fun,
with an iPhone reference and general praise of

But grew less favorable...

.. as she began to recount her experiences of...

... waiting for MUNI buses for up to 40 minutes...

...due to driver backfilling...

... Not good.

Really not good.

What's going on between Nat & Gav? Is there some sort of beef
between them?

Nat: Why'd Gav say he makes less money than me?

Can somebody please explain why this gay boy took it upon himself
to ask a question? Fake Question Time is for the residents, not
reporters who want to get closer to Gavin.

A scary old lady with gloves (a possible Han Shin operative?)
was upset about her favorite park, Ferry Park, being re-named
to Sue Bierman Park.
Deputy Chief of Staff Stuart Sunshine tried in earnest to come
to the rescue...

as did Chief of Staff Phil Ginsburg...

... but she was having none of that and took it up with Newsom
(Pat Murphy, right, ready to take a bullet for his man.)