Threats, lies and videotapes
The "Mutually Developed Strategy" to
take Martin Luther King - Marcus Garvey Cooperative
By Carol
November 1, 2006
In preparation for the mid-term elections, this three-part article
about the history of the Redevelopment Agency in San Francisco's
Fillmore District is a must-read.
Proposition 90 was placed on the November ballot to rid California
of the Agency's gargantuan power of eminent domain.
After the Supreme Court's 2005 Kelo
decision, a wave of rage swept the country against Redevelopment
Agencies utilizing a powerful tool called "blight" to
hand private developers the homes, businesses, and real estate
of private citizens.
For a century, racist and classist motives have under-girded
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency "takings."
The Redevelopment Agency has had a "black" history
in the Fillmore and Bayview-Hunter's Point from which they have
forced from whole African American communities.
Throughout U.S. history, Blacks were systematically driven from
communities they built --- from great wealth in Tulsa, Oklahoma's
Black Wall Street, to exciting enclaves like the Fillmore's "Harlem
of the West" clubs where all the 40s and 50s jazz greats
Invited to San Francisco during the Second World War to work
military and defense jobs, Blacks came in droves to the thriving
Fillmore District, which bounced back after the 1906 earthquake
and fire. Fillmore Street replaced Market Street as a booming
business center.
After World War II restored U.S. wealth, Redevelopment wooed
Justin Herman from HUD to direct the Agency. His white developers
began to "modernize" San Francisco. Using "blight"
and taxpayer money, Herman bulldozed lovely old Fillmore Victorians,
jazz clubs, and businesses, leaving the landscape bleak.
Redevelopment let the place lie fallow for 20 years creating
the slum it claimed it was trying to clear.
Renamed Western Addition by Redevelopment, the Fillmore never
During Lyndon Johnson's 1970s "War on Poverty," Federal
funding gave grassroots financial power to poor communities enabling
incorporation of cooperatives like the Fillmore's Martin Luther
King - Marcus Garvey.
Ulysses Montgomery was a 1970s builder who found ways for these
mostly African American's to use HUD and Redevelopment money to
pay down mortgages on their own homes.

Ulysses Montgomery
Now, San Francisco's Redevelopment and HUD Agencies seek to "re-acquire"
these African American holdings.
Bayview-Hunters Point is the prettiest, sunniest part of town,
and Redevelopment wants it. There, it has launched the largest
eminent domain "taking" in U.S. history.
At Spring 2006 Board of Supervisor meetings, the Agency promised
protesting Hunters Point resident activists it would never repeat
the Fillmore atrocity.
SFRA Executive Director, Marcia Rosen neglected to mention that
40 years ago Redevelopment rendered the Fillmore a slum, has not
rebuilt it, and continues today what some call its racially motivated
assault, abuse and neglect.

Executive Director of the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency,
Marcia Rosen.
File photo (5/24/6)
by Luke Thomas
In Part One of this article, King Garvey's original African American
developer, Ulysses Montgomery, exposes Redevelopment's historical
assault on Fillmore's African American holdings.
Part Two uncovers the campaign against the African American Western
Addition business community. Upon purchasing a historically significant
business, the New Chicago Barbershop, Charles Spencer came to
know the Redevelopment Agency's neglect.
Part three makes transparent the attack on the King-Garvey co-op
itself. After 30 years of carefully paying down their mortgage,
the mostly elderly female shareholders of color risked losing
their precious, now phenomenally valuable real estate to SFRA
and HUD lies, extortion, and outright theft.
Some warn against traps embedded in Proposition 90 by Howie Rich,
a conservative Republican.
Nevertheless, the Fillmore and King Garvey story illustrates
why so many are taking assertive action to shut down Redevelopment
agencies and stop eminent domain "takings" no matter
what the cost.
Redevelopment in the Western Addition Jazz
Daniel Landry, stood in Gene Suttle Plaza near sidewalk engravings
of the names "Rev. Hannibal Williams" and "Mary
Helen Rogers," activists who fought hard against the Redevelopment
Agency's infamous "Negro Removal" from the Fillmore
District, which the agency renamed Western Addition.
I followed his wistful gaze to the top of the Fillmore Auditorium
where someone in the post-earthquake 1920 Fillmore heyday had
perched on a scaffold painting "Majestic Theater" in
white on the now-faded bricks.
"I would walk home from Raphael Weill Elementary School,
see that sign, and wonder about the '40s and '50s jazz era,"
he reminisced.
It was a splendorous flash in time. In the blocks surrounding
the famous auditorium before Janis torched, Jay Leno killed, and
Ted Nugent recently showcased, music rang from every corner.
As teenagers, Sugar Pie De Santo and her cousin, Etta James,
practiced duets on their porch. Dressed to kill in minks and suits,
folks strutted and strolled the crowded night streets. At the
jazz clubs - Billie, Ella, Trane, and Monk --- played and sang
up a storm.
Despite strong community opposition to Redevelopment, like the
lighted arches with hanging glass globes, melted to scrap for
the 1940s War Effort, the Fillmore clubs and their exploding energy
were bulldozed into oblivion.
Today, jazz pours from the doors of the one remaining venue,
Rasselas On Fillmore, keeping the memory alive.
Rather than see the Victorian jewel housing Jimbo's Bop City
at 1690 Post torn down to make way for the Japantown complex,
activist Essie Collins petitioned the Redevelopment Agency to
move the building intact around the corner to 1712 Fillmore. There
a branch of world-famous Marcus Books, devoted to African American
literature, established in Oakland in 1960 by Drs. Raye and Julian
Richardson, was installed in its San Francisco location.
The Redevelopment Agency forced one of Julian Richardson's publishing
companies and other African American businesses to relocate from
Fillmore street.
Richardson became a director for the Fillmore Community Development
Association, organized by individuals and Western Addition organizations
in opposition to the A-2 redevelopment project.
Ulysses Montgomery, a licensed California professional engineer
developed methods to use Redevelopment to generate economic benefits
"by and for the people" of Western Addition.
"Instead of fighting Redevelopment," he said, "Let's
come up with a program where they give us the land and finance
us so that we, the people, construct and own these buildings under
the Redevelopment process."
Ulysses Jim Montgomery is an urbane world traveler of Cherokee,
Black, and European descent who regards San Francisco's past and
present with clear blue eyes.
Montgomery was raised in South Carolina, New Jersey, and Brooklyn.
Columbia-educated with a 1952 engineering
degree, he was one of two Blacks out of 3,000 graduates.
Like most African Americans, his forebears are tough rebellious
survivors of the British slave trades' brutal Middle Passage.
A relative helped initiate the discrimination lawsuit, Brown v
Board of Education. An ancestor, Angola Jamie, led one of the
first slave revolts.
In the '60s, Julian Richardson and Ulysses Montgomery, who described
his friend's family as "very close to me," worked with
other black community leaders attempting to create what a Redevelopment
brochure described as "more socially oriented housing for
the Western Addition A-2 project area."
During President Lyndon B. Johnson's '60s War on Poverty, Mr.
Montgomery developed and constructed the Martin Luther King Marcus
Garvey Cooperative where Daniel Landry lives.
At M.I.T., Buckminster Fuller mentored him on "what architecture
and economic development of buildings were supposed to do for
people." He socialized with Boston University students, Martin
Luther King, Jr, and Coretta Scott.
After graduation, he traveled to Africa developing projects in
Angola, Nigeria, Ghana, and Liberia.
There he met W.E.B. DuBois, Malcolm X, Congo's Patrice Lumumba,
Zimbabwe's Nkomo, and Kenyatta in Kenya. "All of these were
friends," he said. He was with Nelson Mandella's group the
day the great revolutionary was sentenced to prison.
In fall 1965, he returned to the United States bound for California
to help reconstruct Los Angeles after the Watts riots, but "I
was hijacked on the way by friends in San Francisco."
Johnson's War On Poverty "gave economic power to low income
people in Cities."
Federal law mandated anti-poverty money could only be spent on
programs reviewed and approved by the community. Thus, the Government
granted the people effective control of utilization of Federal
Between 1965 and 1970, Ken Simmons and Will Usury, both of the
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), "with the help of the
people" designed the EOC (Economic Opportunity Council) implementation
program which included elected executive policy neighborhood councils
for Hunters Point and the Western Addition.
A people's vote for Ulysses' housing empowerment plan at Ben
Franklin High School "got me started, and (established) my
power base to develop housing in San Francisco by and for the
"Daniel Landry's father, Abe, is an old trooper," Ulysses
"I was in the (New Chicago) barber shop getting a haircut,
(with) Abe and a few people from the old Western Addition.
In 1966, his new friend, EOC night watchman, Abe introduced Ulysses
all around.
"Abe got into a tussle with people trying to stop (Ulysses'
program). Somebody pulled out a knife and tried to cut his throat.
"That's my scar down the side of his face. He got that
defending me."
Justin Herman got wind of Ulysses' plan.
"The first time I met (him) he came up to me (at the Agency)
and said, 'I run the Redevelopment Agency, not you.'"
"A lot of people hated Justin Herman. We fought like cats
and dogs, but when he gave his word, he kept it."
In 1966, Ulysses convinced Bob Pitts, HUD Regional Director,
to freeze all financing for the Redevelopment Agency in San Francisco.
Bob Pitts said "I was honest, and (my program) was in the
best interests of the people." He told Justin Herman before
Redevelopment got more funding they must change their plans to
include the Ulysses' ideas.
Herman gave Ulysses Montgomery development rights to nonprofit
housing corporations he helped community groups organize.
In 1973, Wilbur Hamilton, Redevelopment Executive Director and
Gene Suttle Redevelopment Agency A-2 project manager, met with
Ulysses. "They said HUD (would) cancel all mortgage guarantee
allocations for my clients. They could stop it if I closed my
business and left San Francisco."
"Neither Gene Suttle nor Wilbur Hamilton would ever have
done that by themselves. They were told to do it," by two
white men, HUD director, James Price and his Deputy, Bob Gillian,
"and they did it reluctantly."
"To protect my clients' interests, I liquidated my consulting
business and transferred my clients to friends."
"Why did HUD and Redevelopment do this?" I asked.
"I was Black. They didn't like my attitude.
" I was developing co-ops or nonprofits, for the People,
by the People ... But mostly white developers and contractors
wound up owning everything, and all the Blacks got is a chance
to rent in a subsidized project."
Under President Johnson's Poverty Program, "Community groups
got development rights for many (housing and cooperative) projects
in Western Addition and Hunters Point.
"(Now) HUD, Redevelopment, and some profiteering carpetbaggers
are taking back ownership and control from original African American
community groups at Jackie Robinson and Northridge (housing complexes)
in the Bayview." They are also after Unity Homes.
"In the Westren Addition, they want Marcus Garvey and Martin
Luther King Co-op. The attack on King-Garvey is the core. (If)
they take it, Amel Park, El Bethel and Friendship will go."
Part 2 - LIES
Charles Spenser stood in the Rincon Center old Art Deco post
office at 101 Spear Street gazing at the colorful murals painted
on the lobby walls depicting historical images of hostility against
people of color.
Charles was raised in a close-knit Columbus, Georgia community.
He remembers his father hiding him and his siblings under the
bed during 1970s fire bombings.
In his 12-year career as a stockbroker before he bought the New
Chicago Barbershop #3, 1551 Fillmore Street at Geary Boulevard
in the Western Addition, he gained an insider's view of San Francisco
sociopsychology and economy. Its treatment of African Americans
is no different than in any other part of the country.
The New Chicago Barbershop has warm sunny feel with dark wood
and comfortable chairs. He bought the business in 2002 to keep
alive in the present a precious piece of the past. In the 1940's,
a Mr. Walker from Chicago started this business.
Reggie Pettus, who was featured on PBS video "Hidden Cities:
The Fillmore," still cuts hair there. He is a part of Fillmore
history, familiar with Western Addition figures from Mary Rogers
to Essie Collins.
Along with Ulysses Montgomery, and Abe Landry, all walks of African
American life come to this neighborhood hub for haircuts. Danny
Glover drops by just to chat when he visits his old neighborhood.
On the walls are photographs of visitors like comedian, David
Allen Grier, and regulars, like Ray Taliafero KGO progressive
radio talk show host.
"The biggest thing I am doing is trying to keep the Barbershop
alive. It is one of the last Old Fillmore businesses. People come
by who got their haircut here when they were a kid. It's something
the black community can identify with."
Charles, an self-assertive person who thinks and acts independently,
knows many hard working, successful Black people like himself.
His strong individualism and social consciousness motivates him
to clean up the parks on the weekend. Whether alone or with a
group, it is an direct action he can take.
As past President of the Fillmore Jazz Preservation District
Merchants' Association, Charles knows the Redevelopment Agency
He knows about the infamous time when beautiful old Victorian,
home to thousands of Black families, were demolished, leaving
a few buildings sticking up from the gray dirt like rotting teeth.
Then Redeveloped promised to rebuild the bulldozed blocks. But,
instead the Agency left them fallow for 20 years, creating the
blighted conditions which were the original excuse for razing
It is common belief that Justin Herman, who became head of the
Redevelopment Agency in 1959, built the Geary corridor from Downtown
to the Ocean shunting traffic past Fillmore for the purpose of
drying up African American businesses there. The naming of Justin
Herman Plaza was his reward.
Musing on the Rincon Center mural, Charles considered the Embarcadero,
an area Redevelopment actually redeveloped, making a major investment
complete with mixed use buildings, high rises, businesses, shops
and market rate and low income housing, infrastructure, roads,
and rails. He compared it to the Agency's pathetic effort in the
Fillmore, which Redevelopment renamed Western Addition.
Of the violence on the streets, Charles says, "I know many
senior citizens and some kids --- there are certain blocks they
don't visit because stuff happens."
"With no jobs, and no education, kids can't think clearly,"
he says. "If a kid grows up, and he can't think, add, count,
somebody could take a simple thought, put it in his head, and
it will stick."
Charles stated that the Agency destroyed the community and promised
to rebuild it. However, "there is no reason to attack the
Redevelopment Agency because the facts speak for themselves. After
40 years, they still haven't completed the project area."
Asking for Budget information, he and other merchants found when
"contractors low bid with the Redevelopment Agency (for)
contracts, it appears the Agency knowingly told them to contract
with themselves, because they weren't being paid enough --- double
He has also discovered Redevelopment's pattern and practice of
fast tracking preferred developers who are overwhelmingly white.
"Their approval process goes quicker than developers who
don't appear to be preferred or friendly developers."
Instead of investing in infrastructure improvements, Redevelopment
spends taxpayer money on marketing and promotion. The Agency awards
contracts to "consultants." One group, Cultural ID,
organized the Preservation Jazz District to bring summer jazz
performances into the Fillmore. "It's a little like throwing
a house warming party before building the house," he observed.
Projects like the Jazz District do not address housing or jobs,
the benefits Redevelopment promises when it undertakes to redevelop
an area.
Redevelopment has not funded businesses that provide work or
meaningful careers for people. "When we ask for jobs, people
(hire us) six months as a flag waver on Third Street , or working
Mcdonald's for (an) hourly rate that doesn't allow you to buy
a home, rent an apartment, or get a car."
Charles Is aware there are San Francisco interests who have worked
out a long term City Plan --- not just 10 years into the future,
but 50 years ahead.
He has even seen drawings of one part of The Grand Plan for filling
in the Fillmore-Geary underpass. Suddenly, you've got land. "What
happens to land in San Francisco?" he asks. "You build
stuff on it.
The Agency (is) saying, "Look, we are building Yoshis, so
that's our economic development.
"The community was destroyed. It has not been rebuilt. Yoshis
is not going to rebuild the community. Yoshi's could be a part
of it, but it's not all of it.
"Yoshi's will need dishwashers and doormen but create no
professional jobs with any real future."
"Part of the Plan on Fillmore is for the Black community
to continue to transition out and other communities to transition
in." King Garvey is an expendable Monopoly game piece.
Because "you need a healthy residential community to have
a healthy business community, " when he heard HUD was threatening
to foreclose on the King Garvey shareholders' property, he took
it upon himself to meet Board President, Carlos Levexier. Carlos
invited him to fall 2004 meetings at which he joined other community
members, including the historian, John Templeton, and Dr. Raye
Richardson, Marcus Books owner. He believes, were it not for their
support and presence, the shareholders would have lost the property.
He wondered whether King Garvey residents, mostly elder women,
understood they were not renters, but 30-year owners of homes
in a property with world class value situated next to the Geary
corridor. The property's accumulated equity, estimated at $56
million dollars, could secure their futures for the rest of their
"They have fantastically valuable land that the Redevelopment
Agency and the City want," he asserted.
Redevelopment's Fillmore achievements are high rises surrounded
by fast food restaurants and chain stores like Subway and Foot
By jarring contrast to such superimposed artificiality, businesses
like Marcus Books, Rasselas Jazz Club, Powell's Place, "The
Look" Beauty Salon, Terry's Creations Boutique, the New Chicago
Barbershop, and homes owned by King Garvey people of color represent
the deep heart and soul of the community.
Charles well knows the social power in his thriving barbershop
"We have to rebuild the community ourselves."
The energetic Sharon Jones has a global understanding of the
community history of Martin Luther King Marcus Garvey Square Cooperative.
A devout Roman Catholic and shareholder since 1982, she vowed
to help right wrongs perpetrated on the coop. She represents a
core group determined to retain home ownership.
Trained by the Peace Corps and Montessori educators, she taught
pre-school and elementary children. She received an English
from the University of Michigan and met her husband, her adopted
daughter's African-American father.

Sharon Jones
This community of low income African and Korean-American families
and senior women, are shareholders with Section 8 subsidized affordable
rents, paying down their mortgage year-by-year to buy their own
homes. Developer, Michael Strausz, estimated accumulated equity
at $46 million dollars.
Sharon's neighbor, Barbara Meskunas, Board Chairman National
Association of Housing Cooperatives, lives across the street.
She helped connect King Garvey with a funding source, The National
Cooperative Bank.
Stated Meskunas, "200 homeowners live in my neighborhood."
"(They) own shares of a limited equity coop. (They are),
better neighbors than if they were renting."
Many believe King Garvey's troubles began in 1968 when HUD loan
officer, William H. Harrison, oversaw its construction. Years
later, in 2002, Harrison became management agent and participant
at a nexus of serious problems.
Sharon, a board member since 2000, described 37 years of confusing
events implicating the Redevelopment Agency and HUD.
- Shareholders' requests for repairs were ignored by HUD-approved
- Payments of inflated sums were paid to HUD-approved staff and
Agents. .
- HUD threatened to foreclose if shareholders installed a board
elected to replace a corrupt one.
- In 1998, the co-op's "urban myth" a "cesspool
of drugs, gangs, and guns," made news, inviting HUD foreclosure
for unsafe conditions. An SFPD, State, and Federal narcotics squad
burst in at 5:30 a.m shutting off co-op power. "Flash-bang"
grenades" blew doors off hinges. Officers held at gunpoint
and cuffed seniors and children with no criminal records, arresting
11 youths. They "uncovered" three pot leaves, seeds,
and three unloaded guns. The "gang" was a basketball
team organized by Daniel Landry.
Even with four HUD property inspections per year, one man had
a door-sized hole in his roof, and beleagered Bridgette Daniels,
raising children with asbestos, mold, and mildew, was forced to
cook under a ceiling leaking raw sewage in one of 10 homes the
fire department evacuated.
Harrison's staff relocated Bridgette's family to four co-op units
equally bad. Sharon believes they hoped Bridgette's loud complaints
would spur the Board to approve a tax credit plan Harrison proposed
to fund home repairs. It would reduce these homeowners to renters
without equity.
Desperate, Ms Daniels, followed by 40 others, ran to the City
Health Department and Human Rights Commission investigator, Emil
de Guzman who contacted the Justice Department's Booker T. Neal,
The Mayor, City Attorney, Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, City Department
heads, HUD officials and Redevelopment Agency staff.
Later, Sharon learned these frantic visits to City Departments
tripped off "secret meetings," in person and by phone
between HUD, SFRA, and City officials.
With curious simultaneity, a HUD property evaluation score reported
two months earlier, dropped from 10 above passing to 22 below
On March 8, 2005, Mayor Gavin Newsom wrote HUD Regional Director,
Richard Rainey, requesting the Government "not terminate
rental assistance or foreclose"...(to allow) "time to
enable the City to work with the residents to address the massive
problems existing at the project."
On March 24, 2005, Rainey responded. "It appears from your
letter that the City no longer wishes to pursue""our
mutually developed strategy" including "the terminating
of the Section 8 project-based contract initiating foreclosure."
Richard Rainey exposed a "partnership" which "mutually
developed" a "strategy" foreclosing King Garvey.
Rainey expressed "appreciation for the cooperation of the
City and County, and (Mayor's Office of Housing Director), Matt
Franklin, (Redevelopment Department Director), Olsen Lee, and
District 5 Supervisor, Ross Mirkarimi.
Rainey casually cc'd this letter to the King Garvey Co-op Board.
Sharon showed it to Ulysses Montgomery and Michael Strausz.
The two developers recalled a January 2005 meeting with Olsen
Lee who confided "The Agency intends to re-acquire all of
San Francisco's African American-owned housing projects."
Later Lee appeared in March 2005 co-op Task Force meetings, at
which he offered "help" without mentioning SFRA's intentions.
HUD, providing Federal funds, and Redevelopment, State and City
bond money, often "double team" on projects.
In his letter, Richard Rainey promised to "consider delaying
any further actions (pending) a realistic plan that solves the
Project's long-term problems."
If King Garvey did not cure its "physical, financial, and
security issues," Rainey's "strategy" advised a
four-step plan.
1. Cancel Section 8 rent subsidy.
2. Foreclose and re-acquire the property.
3. Hand King Garvey to Redevelopment
4. "The City could create a mixed-use development embracing
affordable home ownership, rental housing, and units for the homeless."
Sharon reported that HUD, SFRA, The Mayor, and City Departments,
did not inform King Garvey of their "mutually developed strategy."
Instead, beginning March 12, 2005, City "Task Force,"
"helpers," met with shareholders, facilitated by Justice's
Neal and Human Rights Commission's De Guzman. Present were Mayor's
office officials, Sup. Mirkarimi's and Nancy Pelosi's Aides, Redevelopment
Department Director, Olsen Lee's A-2 management staff, Health
Department asbestos experts, pro bono attorneys, and supportive
community members.
Raymond Washington videotaped these meetings.
Mirkarimi and Olsen Lee described the arduous road ahead. King
Garvey had two months to devise a "Plan." Olsen Lee
committed Redevelopment staff and funds to work on solving financial,
security, and environmental problems acceptable to HUD, though
HUD could reject it.
Characteristically, Redevelopment, hired "consultants."
Asian Neighborhood Design, Inc estimated $56 million total, $26
to $30 million for repairs. A.N.D. based their report on visitation
of six units. They claimed friable asbestos necessitated complete
rehabbing of all 211 units. Not all units had asbestos problems.
A 2003 structural assessment by a King Garvey-paid engineer,
Thomas K. Butts, estimated repairs worth $16 million dollars.
Work meeting Public Health requirements was completed by December
Sharon believed A.N.D.quadrupled the Butts report, ignoring the
completed work.
After months of meetings, sometimes three a week, in which shareholders
were subjected to role-playing games wearing little hats, on Thursday,
June 28, 2005, HUD Operations Officer, J. Patrick Goray, arrived
to drop the hammer.
"You are not keeping up your end of the bargain. The property
deteriorated because there wasn't enough money for operating expenses
or to maintain the project".
"But, you said, 'Give us a chance. We will fix the problems.'"
Good news: "You invited in good management, made operational
improvements, raised the (market rate unit) rent," hired
an architect to do an analysis (Mr. Butts) and identify repairs
to the property.
Bad News: "Unfortunately, you didn't take the next step
--- follow through to get repair money and do repairs."
Surprised Board members wondered why Asian Neighborhood Design
and Goray overlooked repairs quickly done by Harrison after Bridget
Daniels brought in inspectors.
Goray ordered shocked shareholders to present a strategy to HUD
identifying repairs and get a Plan to acquire $26-30 million dollars
on his desk by Monday or he would foreclose.
They saw themselves evicted, sitting in the street with their
Goray further rocked the Board citing Redevelopment-paid Connolly
Consultant's four "options." They said just one option
could raise sufficient money covering $56 million in costs, a
tax credit plan depriving them of home ownership.
Sharon called J. Patrick Goray's presentation "evil."
1. "Who, in one weekend, could refute with another plan
that $56 million was needed?
2. ""Instead of moving, shareholders lived in squalor.
They aged and became sick believing one day they would own this
3. They paid down the mortgage for 30 years, with 13 years to
pay 3.5 million. Thirty years they begged HUD for repairs. Inspectors
walked through ignoring them. Now damage was used to threaten
HUD, Redevelopment, The City appeared to have led them by the
nose through a setup, with foreclosure an advance "mutually
developed strategy. "
On the video, Daniel Landry wistfully watches the action.
Sharon saw Dan survive his at-risk teens, become a parent, business
owner, community member, run for D5 Supervisor and confront the
City about Western Addition police brutality.
Daniel, the community's hope, survived Redevelopment trashing
his neighborhood. To be effective, he must live secure in his
cooperative home.
Like Sharon, Bridgette, Raymond Washington, and Daniel, most
owners determine to keep their property. Shel Schreiberg, the
HUD regulations expert attorney Sharon spent all her assets locating,
is helping develop a plan pro bono--- NOT a tax credit plan ---
to do so.