B.O.S. HOGs Win City Hall Bragging Rights over Mayoral Mo' Better

Joyous B.O.S. Hog victors

Valiant in defeat, Mo' Better Blues.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Boe Hayward
December 6, 2005
The B.O.S HOGs remained undefeated with a trouncing of the Mayor's
Mo' Better Blues squad 9-5 on a cold Monday night at Fort Scott
Field #1 in the Presidio. The HOGs had defeated the Blues in a
scrimmage on November 21, but the official victory was even sweeter.
The HOGs were again paced by Supervisor Sean Elsbernd, who belted
two home runs and racked up five RBIs. Elsbernd is leading the
league with 9 home runs on the season. Right Fielder Sarah Ballard
expressed the feeling of her entire team, exclaiming "I love
Sean Elsbernd" after his dominant performance.

District 7 Super-slugger Sean Elsbernd fires a two-run homer into
unchartered sky

Sarah Ballard and fellow team mates rejoice after Elsbernd dismantling
of Blues outfielders.
"It is great to have the win, but our team is looking to
forward to the playoffs," said a modest Elsbernd, who put
the Super in Supervisor with his outstanding play.
Boris Delepine also starred for the victorious HOGs. He played
a solid first base, sometimes stretching his lanky frame to amazing
lengths, and he also contributed at the plate with a single and

HOGs phenom Boris Delepine adds to the irrepressible R.B.I tally
"Operation Softball Connect was in full effect," said
a pugnacious Delepine.
On the other side of the diamond, the Mayor's Board Liaison and
team captain Wade Crowfoot tried to explain the Blues's crushing
defeat. "Softball is a perplexing game, a game that can break
your heart," mourned Crowfoot, "and our heart was broken
as we were beaten once again by a stronger team."
The game-recorded for posterity by honorary HOG Jamie McGoldrick-included
numerous moments worthy of the highlight reel. Mayoral spokesperson
Peter Ragone struck out and was left speechless, for once. HOG
Rob Black, wearing shorts despite the chilly air, sacrificed his
knee on the way to third base. And HOG Cassandra "C-Squared"
Costello started the HOGs off with an excellent single.

Cassandra "C-Squared" Costello leads the HOGs with
a precision single to left field.
But beyond Elsbernd's power-hitting, the HOGs played excellent
defense to get the win. Boe Hayward pitched seven solid innings
and credited the win to the defense behind him. "Our defense
played great and I am thankful for that they kept our lead intact."

Boe Hayward lifts a gravity defying boomer
Hayward's seven innings of 5-run ball gave him his league leading
5th win of the season. Hayward leads the league with 5 wins and
told reporters that he is "thankful for the offensive support
and grateful to be part of a winning organization."
HOGs John Gavin, Cassandra "C-Squared" Costello, John
Avalos, and Lisa Williams-Black all earned gold gloves in a defensive
showing that would have made Cooperstown proud.

Golden gloves
Amanda "Doozer" Kahn was the designated hitter for
the HOGs and Mirkarimi aide Regina Dick-Endrizzi led a solid cheering
squad from the bench.
The HOGs finished the regular season with an undefeated record
of 6-0-1 and eagerly await the playoffs.

Mayor's office Deputy Chief of Staff, Alex Tourk, streaks a ball
that, seemingly, bounces back. It was one of those nights for
the Blues.

Sarah Ballard hikes a clever popper

John Avalos follows Ballard's popper with a cross-legged
scissor-motion swinger

Eslbernd fires another routine ballistic homer...

... brings home Le Boris Delepine...

... and the MVP himself.

Game over, HOGs go hogwild.

High fivin' HOGs endorphin rush...

... slap some skin with their valiant opponents.

Captain Boe Hayward Fantastic, ecstatic by the Hog's pristine
unbeaten record
Members of the Mayor's office were gracious in defeat paying for
post game beers at the Final Final. Losing team Mayor's office
Captain Crowfoot told reporters that "little could be done
to stop this juggernaut."
Jamie McGoldrick was lent his video talent to the HOGs, taping
the game that might be Oscar worth according to early reviews.
Supervisors McGoldrick and Mirkarimi also showed to route on their
team. Supervisor Mirkarimi let fans know that there is no "I
in team and the HOGs showed what it takes to put together a winner."
Home Runs 2 Elsbernd (9)
Win - Hayward 5-0-1
Boe Hayward, Boris Delepine, Judson True and Sarah Ballard
contributed to this report
Murphy's view from the bleachers