Impeachment of Bush and Cheney set for San Francisco vote on
same ballot as referendum on Olympic bid
By Emmett Berg, Bay City News Service
August 9, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - Voters in San Francisco may get
the opportunity to call for the impeachment of George W. Bush
on the same ballot they can register their opinion on the city's
bid for the 2016 Olympic Games.
The advocacy group Constitution Summer announced yesterday that
the San Francisco Impeachment Ballot Initiative had the support
of four members of the Board of Supervisors -- the minimum necessary
to force an appearance on the ballot.
Separately, Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval used a procedural move
to delay ballot certification for his own ballot question on whether
the city should bid for the games. In his remarks he announced
the support of three other supervisors, meaning the Olympics question
was likely headed before voters.
Sandoval said the city may well lose money by playing host to
the games, and that officials' effort tying the bid to construction
of a new stadium for the 49ers was conflating separate public
policy matters.
"I would love to see the Olympics come to San Francisco,"
Sandoval said. "But as a supervisor, my and our responsibility
is to ask tough questions, to exercise our oversight role and
protect the tax payer. This is not fun. No one wants to stand
and ask these questions."

Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval
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