Senator Obama, Say it isnt So!

Presidential hopeful Barack Obama may hold the future of America
in his hands
but his support of the Dream Act is troubling to some in his own
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Jill
September 27, 2007
Please, Senator Obama, tell the American citizens -- who may
hold your future in their hands -- that you are not endorsing
the DREAM Act that was reintroduced in the Senate.
I was asked by a friend to call Illinois Senator Dick Durbin
to voice my displeasure over his support for this DREAM Act, which
is indeed a bad dream for many Americans. It aims
to eliminate the federal provision that discourages states from
providing in-state tuition without regard to immigration status.
However, it offers no such discount to those American kids who
are even poorer, or more disadvantaged than the illegal immigrants
this bill wants to help.
After three attempts to get through to Senator Durbins
office, the Capitol operator offered to connect me with the "other
Illinois senator." Thats how I came to have a shouting
match with one of Senator Obamas senior aides when he told
me that his boss also supports this bill.
Senator Obama, how could you? Are you reaching out to a constituency
who is not even part of our citizenry? Are you caving in to special
interests? Are you trying to be all things to all people?
This bill resonates with your base in a way that will ensure
your losing the nomination. It smacks of unfairness, of people
at the end of the line getting to move up to the front. It appeases
the non-citizens while enraging registered voters. It makes us
question your priorities. In a perfect world, all children would
have access to a first-class education. But the United States
simply cannot educate the world.
So your first allegiance should be to poor, disadvantaged American
citizens who would salivate at the chance of attending an out
of state school at in-state tuition rates. If there are resources
left over to then help legal immigrants, then it is reasonable
and right to help as many of them as we can.
Life is not fair, Senator Obama. Our schools are failing our
own kids; until their needs are addressed, you are not in a position
to use your influence to fund the worlds education. And
you should not be rearranging truths to suit your agenda. Changing
the language of our immigration laws simply to allow those of
illegal status to be reclassified as legal, with all the benefits
that change implies, is an insult not only to Americans but to
legal immigrants. They have all played by the rules and are now
shoved aside as others move in front of them. Your message seems
to be that our laws are pliable, subject to what is politically
expedient at the time.
Your biggest supporters such as I fear that we were so desperate
to find a new kind of candidate that our gullibility in believing
in you has been exposed.
It appears that over sixty senators support this bill, including
many of the presidential candidates. If you want to break away
from the crowd and take a stance that Americans will notice, then
take away your support for this nightmare of a DREAM Act.
You can argue all you want that it isnt unfair; just the
appearance of unfairness is enough to derail your nomination.
That is because you have more credibility to lose than the other
candidates simply because you began with more credibility.
If you hope to win the nomination for President of the United
States, then you shouldnt be campaigning for President of
North America.

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