The Slumbering Giant has Finally Awakened

Barack Obama has awakened sleeping lions in unvanquishable numbers.
Photo by Luke
By Jill
January 9, 2008
That would be us. Up til now, a growing number of Americans
from sea to shining sea has been rendered nearly paralyzed concerning
our precipitous decline in our power and prestige throughout the
world. Seemingly comatose in our heretofore collective apathy,
we are now shaking ourselves awake with a growing sense of empowerment
as we vision one more dawning chance at salvaging what is left
of our perceived dubious future.
We are finally rousing ourselves from our self-induced stupor
to get a glimmer of what it might feel like to actually believe
again. For too long, we have been sedated in the misguided assumption
that if we just go on about our daily lives of studied non-involvement,
those more experienced will fix everything.
No more. After seven years of watching our country devolve from
a respected superpower, we are engulfed in our diminishing reputation
as the flagship for freedom.
That must be why Obama Mania is catching hold in the early primaries.
It isnt so much that hes winning, it is how he is
galvanizing a critical mass of former fence sitters and non voters
to get up off of our couches and run to our nearest polling booth,
making one final Hail Mary stab at pulling ourselves back from
the brink of unspeakable disaster that we sense is hanging over
our heads.
People seem desperate for a kind of rhetoric that will resonate
around the globe. Weary of our presidents inability to speak
coherently, let alone eloquently, we hunger for measured, intelligent,
uplifting and inspiring words that have the added benefit of seeming
heartfelt and genuine by the speaker. Skeptics would counter that
terrible despots had this same kind of charisma over their people
that led to madness. But term limits and impeachment roadblocks
prevent oppressors from holding onto power here, thus diluting
the cries of those who fear this kind of unchecked adulation..
If you scoff at those who are swept away by Senator Obamas
soaring words, think again. We all know at an elementary level
how encouraging words can propel our children to try harder. It
is astonishingly true that what we learned in kindergarten applies
in our adulthood as well, and those who think this is naive are
themselves more naive than they realize.
Seasoned pundits need to acknowledge a new emerging political
reality. Trapped between a dread of the past and a last ditch
hope for our uncertain future, we not only dont care about
experience, we are wiser than we are given credit for not being
overly impressed with it. Just look at the years of experienced
advisors surrounding our president. If that isnt a call
for novice leadership, then nothing could convince us to trust
that a President Obama will surround himself with experts who
will be encouraged to speak the truth, and a president who will
actually value their advice.
With every election, it all revolves around trust. Most of the
time, its all empty promises. This time, we are audacious
enough to hope that some of it is genuine. This audacity is what
caused New Hampshire to worry that they might run out of ballots.
No matter what the candidates say they want to do, or what they
believe in, or what their records are, it all comes down to the
goosebump factor. Senator Obama, despite his support for the Dream
Act, had me at hello.
As Clint Eastwood once said, "Do you feel lucky?" Apparently
more and more Americans by the hour are throwing their support
behind this lucky-appearing longshot.
This sudden groundswell of support uncovers what Americans are
thinking as they awaken from their long slumber that
we are smack dab in the urgency of now.
'Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you -
Ye are many - they are few.
- Percy Bysshe Shelley