Suspected killer caught within hours
of unusually high city reward

Joseph Stevens, SFPD photo
October 20, 2005
Joseph Stevens, wanted for October 14 slaying of a father and
his two-year-old son, was taken into custody yesterday in Redwood
The 5:00 p.m. arrest came five hours after Mayor Newsom posted
a $25,000 city reward for information leading to Stevens' arrest.
Due to nature of the crime and suspicion Stevens may be connected
to other homicides, officials decided to offer a reward higher
than the usual $10,000 offered in such cases.
The mayor made the announcement with Police Chief Heather Fong
at his side, shortly after 12:00 p.m. following opening ceremonies
of the Hamilton
Family Center.

Police Chief Heather Fong and Mayor Gavin Newsom