Daly says Newsom lied,
moves to introduce alternative budget
Newsom responds calling move
"worst kind of election year politics"

Supervisor Chris Daly
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Luke
June 5, 2007
At today's Board of Supervisors meeting, Distrct 6 Supervisor
Chris Daly introduced a legislative motion aimed at restoring
"draconian cuts to HIV/AIDS services, psychiatric services
at San Francisco General Hospital Psychiatry, and new affordable
housing programs."
The move is in response to Mayor Gavin Newsom's refusal to spend
funds appropriated by the full board, in May, in the amount of
$33 million, supplemental monies earmarked by the board for affordable
In response to Newsom's claim that the City does not have the
money to build affordable housing, Daly says Newsom is lying.
Daly's statement reads in full:
Supervisor Daly Introduces Alternative City Budget to
Restore HIV/AIDS Cuts, Pysch services and AFFORDABLE Housing
Responding to the Mayors budget proposal that makes
draconian cuts to HIV/AIDS services, psychiatric services at San
Francisco General Hospital Psychiatry, and new affordable housing
programs recently authorized by the Board of Supervisors, Supervisor
Daly today introduced a motion to restore these important services.
This motion is co sponsored by Supervisor Tom Ammiano.
It is unconscionable that the Mayor would propose elimination
of such important services, said Supervisor Chris Daly.
The Mayors budget rhetoric is a mile wide, but only
an inch thick when it comes to meeting the basic needs of the
most vulnerable San Franciscans.
Less than a month ago, the Mayor refused to sign the Boards
$28 million supplemental appropriation for affordable housing,
stating that he will not spend funds which we do not have.
In his June 1 budget submission, the Mayor proposed de-appropriating
the affordable housing dollars to pay for his pet projects. Supervisor
Daly and Ammianos motion underscores the fact that the Mayors
unwillingness to spend on essential needs like HIV/AIDS services
and affordable housing is not about the lack of money, but the
lack of leadership, vision and political will.
When Gavin Newsom claimed he couldnt build affordable
housing, because the City didnt have the money, he was lying
to the people of San Francisco. The money is available. It is
only a matter of priorities, continued Supervisor Daly.
Responding to Daly's motion, Newsom released a statement calling
the legislation "the most transparent political moves in
recent San Francisco history," and accuses Daly of playing
politics in an election year.
Newsom's statement reads in full:
Mayor Newsom's statement on the Board of Supervisors motion
to amend the Mayor's 2007-2008 budget
This is one of the most transparent political moves in recent
San Francisco history. It is the worst kind of election-year politics
and terrible public policy.
Chris Daly may want to jump off this cliff. We hope no other
members of the Board of Supervisors will follow him.
Reached by phone for comment, Daly told Fog City: "Apparently
Gavin thinks that redesigning the City's website
is more important than housing for seniors, people with disabilities,
formerly homeless people, and working families.
"He stole $33 million from affordable housing and we're
taking it back," Daly said.