Craigslist founder endorses Obama

Craigslist founder Craig Newmark discusses his support for presidential
Senator Barack Obama (D-Illinois) with SFWeekly reporter
Will Harper
at the grand opening of Obama's San Francisco campaign offices
in the Castro District.
Photos by Luke
By Luke
and Elaine
January 24, 2008
Presidential hopeful Barack Obama (D-Illinois) can add technology
whiz Craig Newmark to a growing list of important endorsements.
Newmark, of Craigslist fame, echoed his support for Obama during
the opening of Obama's San Francisco campaign offices yesterday.
"First, remember that I am a nerd, not a wonk," Newmark
told Fog City Journal, "but I've been hanging out around
investigative reporters and I've learned that Barack owes very
few people favors."
"He has not been largely controlled by lobbyists,"
Newmark added.
The star-studded event drew an A-list of local prominent San
Francisco politicos including District Attorney Kamala Harris
and Supervisor Chris Daly.
Harris campaigned
for Obama at the Iowa Caucus earlier this month.
Supervisor Chris Daly, who recently endorsed
Obama over Democratic challengers Hillary Clinton and John Edwards,
collected signatures for a June affordable
housing ballot initiative.
"My interest was certainly piqued by John Edwards' anti-corporate,
populist message in Iowa," Daly recently wrote on his blog.
"However, with the Democratic race now all but narrowed to
a 2-person contest, it's time to rally support for the upstart
progressive against the status quo."

Supervisor Chris Daly