San Francisco mayoral candidates
file for public financing

San Francisco mayoral candidates Tony Hall (right) and Chicken
John Rinaldi (left)
filed for public financing today at the Department of Ethics.
Both candidates report raising in excess of $25,000 in qualifiable
campaign contributions.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Luke
August 28, 2007, 8:00 p.m
Only two of fourteen San Francisco mayoral candidates
filed for public campaign financing before today's deadline.
Former San Francisco Supervisor Tony Hall and showman
Chicken John Rinaldi beat the 5:00 p.m. deadline, filing the required
documents at the Department of Ethics that pre-qualifies their
campaigns for public financing.
Hall and Rinaldi report raising more than the $25,000 needed
from a minimum of 250 eligible voters to qualify for $50,000 in
initial public funding. The first $100 of each donation is counted
towards reaching the $25,000 mark.
"We're turning in over $26,000, but there's more at home
that we just didn't have time to turn in today," Rinaldi
told Fog City.
Hall, who collected over $27,000 in campaign contributions, said
his ability to raise the required funds demonstrates growing support
for a change in the mayor's office.
"There's a very big groundswell of support out there and
we're just taking money from San Franciscans that want change,"
Hall said.
"I think it's a clear signal that this isn't just a campaign
of nobodies," Hall added.
The Department of Ethics has up to 30 days to qualify the candidates
for the first tier of public financing. Once qualified, candidates
will begin to receive matching funds of $4 for every $1 raised
up to $100,000, and matching funds for contributions over $400,000.
A candidate may receive a maximum of $850,000 in matching city
funds if they can raise $525,000 in private donations.