Sandoval declares candidacy for Superior Court
"There is an appalling lack of diversity
on the bench"

District 11 Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval
Photo courtesy Gerardo Sandoval
Luke Thomas
January 31, 2008, 2:20 a.m.
District 11 Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval will officially declare
his candidacy for Superior Court Judge today, Fog City Journal
has learned.
Citing a lack of diversity on the bench, Sandoval wrote in a
statement to Fog City Journal, "There is an appalling lack
of diversity on the bench in San Francisco and California in terms
of legal background, community values and ethnicity."
Sandoval, who terms out of office this year, said he will challenge
incumbent Thomas A. Mellon, a Republican appointed by Governor
Pete Wilson in 1994.
"Judicial appointments by governors have left us no choice
but to exercise the safeguard given to us under the California
Constitution of going to the voters," Sandoval wrote.
Sandoval cited a recent California Bar Association study that
documented the lack of diversity and found that "elections
to judgeships can serve as a viable option for increasing diversity
on the bench." (Diversity Pipeline, February 2007)
"Many judges do not live in San Francisco. Only two out
of sixty-six judges and commissioners are Hispanic. Almost thirty
percent are Republican. Most are former corporate or business
attorneys. This does not reflect San Francisco," Sandoval
Among those endorsing Supervisor Sandoval are both of San Francisco's
state Senators Carole Migden and Leland Yee; Assemblywoman Fiona
Ma; Public Defender Jeff Adachi; seven members of the San Francisco
Board of Supervisors including Supervisors Tom Ammiano, Bevan
Dufty and President of the Board Aaron Peskin; the Honorable Cruz
Reynoso, a former California Supreme Court Justice; Victor M.
Marquez, President of the Hispanic National Bar Association; John
Transvina, President and General Counsel MALDEF; and Walter Johnson,
President San Francisco Labor Council (retired).
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