With Seán Martinfield

Seán Martinfield
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Seán
June 8, 2006
Make no mistake, ain't nothin' like the real thing. This past
Sunday afternoon the proscenium arch of San Francisco's War Memorial
Opera House buzzed with the vibrant resonance from the most ideal
cast one could possibly find in Puccini's MADAMA BUTTERFLY. Superb
musicianship across the board; vocal timbres perfectly matched
and balanced, including the Ensemble; everyone ideally suited
to their role, each demonstrating story-telling abilities far
exceeding any projected sub-title. A most rare bevy of talent!
Having last week experienced these performers as "screen
actors" via the simultaneous wide-screen broadcast (under
the direction of Bruce Bryant) at Civic Center Plaza, their live
on-stage delivery was even more commanding, at times hypnotic,
never less than engrossing. (The first cough shot through two
hours later during the orchestral sunset/sunrise interlude!) Hovering
above it all, the first fulfillment of a promise - the "Return
of the Divas" - the one granted the signature privilege of
opening the Summer Season, the luminescent Patricia Racette. From
this point forward, she shall be known as: "La Fantastique".
San Francisco Opera's "MADAMA BUTTERFLY, The Simulcast"
- was a glittering example of artistic savvy, marketing genius,
and stalwart civic pride on the part of the newly-installed General
Director David Gockley [see previous article, "SAN FRANCISCO
OPERA - Opening Spectacular"]. But, even after three decades
of successful leadership/dealership at the Houston Grand and with
Mr. Gockley's stated dream to "get his hands on" our
City's Opera - ultimately, what must happen, is that The Product
prove itself in The House. Eliminate all the seductive trappings
and bounding energies of a (formerly exclusive) Saturday Night-Opening
Night and what one is dealt - the Opera itself - is either a winning
hand or a slap-down loser. Especially a week later, to us insatiable
fans and long-term subscribers attending the first of three 2
pm Matinees - because? The stakes are higher. It costs more. Simple.
At this past gloriously-weathered Sunday afternoon matinee, following
Mr. Gockley's welcome and surprise invitation to speak with him
after the performance, the house lights dimmed, Conductor Donald
Runnicles beamed at his audience, turned and jump-started the
Overture. The opening strains catapult the listener to another
world - yes, to a legendary Japan, but through a sudden flurry
of butterflies with one of them grabbing our attention. It flits
and darts, seeking its mate, seeking its shelter, seeking the
place where rapture must mingle with destiny. Enter its captor,
a care-free American sailor, who will pin the beauty into an empty
box and then cast it aside.
As a native San Franciscan, beginning with a 4th Grade field-trip
"Introduction To The Symphony", the vastness of the
3,000-seat War Memorial Opera House has never failed to unnerve
me. During the opera season and when it is possible, a guided
tour includes a few moments on the stage. While absorbing the
grandeur, it takes a full tilt of the head to view the second
balcony. The effect is daunting and makes one feel incredibly
small. For those who have never had a singing lesson, it can come
as quite a shock to realize that even the most standard opera
singer needs to be in Olympic condition and possess vocal chops
capable of decibels (ranging from whispers to certifiably illegal)
projecting way-past the last and highest back row, without a microphone,
in languages other than their own, with a full-scale orchestra
blaring in front of them and some supreme Authority Figure waving
signals of "Louder-Softer-Faster-Slower". For this two
Act / one Intermission version of Puccini's MADAMA BUTTERFLY,
that readiness was sustained over a 3-hour period - four-and-a-half
with pre-performance getting into of make-up, wigs and long-trained
Patricia Racette once again delivered a flawless and heart-wrenching
performance. She only got better, younger, fresher, and more radiant
as the opera progressed. Every lover of "Butterfly"
cherishes a certain Diva's performance - on a recording, a film,
a radio or television broadcast, maybe their own rendition. It's
simply an inherent factor within the nature of the role and composer
Giacomo Puccini's musical genius who brought her forth. She /
The Work touches the soul. Including myself among the admirers,
I have heard and seen a respectable list of immortal sopranos
as "Butterfly" and probably loved the one I was with.
Until now. Through a succession of performances, in two vastly
different arenas, Ms. Racette delivered a consistent stream of
perfection such as I have never witnessed.
In some ways, both experiences were bittersweet. While marveling
in her extraordinarily beautiful soprano and being awe-struck
by her impeccable handling of the text and approachable but goddess-like
presence - a few tears were shed over the fact that, as with all
live performances, the moment cannot happen again. "You cannot
step into the same stream twice." And behind these auspicious
occasions, a team of Designers and Determinators and The One who
ultimately punched the sealing wax with his imprimatur: "D.G."
Translation: Done! Go for it!
They're already burning Joan of Arc at the stake and Figaro's
marriage comes under scrutiny this Saturday. Before MADAMA BUTTERFLY
makes her final quick get-away, including tonight, there are six
more chances to catch her:
Thu. June 8, 7:30 pm
Sun. June 11, 2 pm
Fri. June 16, 8 pm
Sun. June 18, 7:30 pm
Wed. June 21, 7:30 pm
Sun. June 25, 2 pm
Opera Box Office: (415) 864-3330