With Seán Martinfield

Seán Martinfield
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
THE MAID OF ORLEANS - A Simmering Success
By Seán
June 12, 2006
Tchaikovsky's THE MAID OF ORLEANS is on fire at the San Francisco
Opera through June 28th. In this second offering of the Summer
Series, "Return of the Divas", it is dramatic mezzo-soprano
Dolora Zajick who takes on the title role of the legendary Joan
of Arc. An internationally recognized star, Ms. Zajick possesses
a magnificent voice, commanding in its overall strength, beautifully
balanced from the resounding bass of her lower register through
the warmth and ease of the middle and on up to her trumpeting
treble soaring high above the orchestra and piercing through every
collected ensemble. A former Merola Opera Program participant
and Adler Fellow, Ms. Zajick includes in her performance and recorded
repertoire the great mezzo heroines of Verdi, the coloratura of
"Adalgisa" in NORMA, and the powerfully seductive and
emasculating "Dalila". Combining these separate gifts
of brute dynamism, lyrical agility, and feminine mystique, Dolora
Zajick brings sense and sensibility to Tchaikovsky's rather odd
portrait of the virgin martyr and savior of 15th Century France.
Director Chris Alexander and set designer Robert Dahlstrom deliver
a noble attempt in their collaborative efforts to bring relevance
and palpability to a work identified as Tchaikovsky's contribution
to French Grand Opera. As such, his MAID OF ORLEANS contains all
the expected components: gargantuan situations and valiant characters,
continuous music including recitative rather than spoken dialogue,
multiple acts - in this case, a series of extended tableaux, spectacular
production values and dazzling special effects, grand processions,
and the obligatory ballet. Keeping in its tradition of a raked
center-stage platform with side areas reserved for a narrative
chorus, along with stage-width panels and hanging pillars separating
heaven and earth and the nobility from the gentry - the look and
feel is somewhat similar to a church pageant or miracle play.
The wardrobe of the Chorus is contemporary, ranging from very
casual to business attire - the typical picture at most Sunday
Morning services. The main characters are beautifully decked-out
in period wardrobe by designer Walter Mahoney; heavenly figures
treated to the judicially provençal, and three adorable
small-fry-angels flounce in (maybe their first!) gossamer and
snowy-white ballet dresses. Lighting designer Robert Hill (and
a few extra boosts from the orchestra under the baton of conductor
Donald Runnicles) produced spectacular bolts of lightning - unambiguous
evidence that Joan is in league with the Devil, her alleged gifts
and accomplishments founded and refined in the fires of Hell,
along with her impure thoughts toward the comely Burgundian knight,
"Lionel" (charming baritone Rod Gilfry). In this libretto
fashioned by Tchaikovsky, Joan has no trial scene, no damning
conviction from ecclesiastical authority. Thus, with a sudden
change in the weather and several untimely strikes of lightning
- BAM! - Joan is consigned to the stake and burned. Historians
reveal that the remaining bits of platform and corpse were gathered
and burned twice more, lest anything wind up on eBay.
In the final moments of Joan's immolation, with great luck and
daring imagination, the super-abundant amount of dry ice and steam
(ablaze in red light) billowing from a trap door swirled straight
up the tall stake and beyond into the rafters. It was spectacular.
A tiny girl steps forward from the holocaust and walks slowly
down stage. It is the innocent soul of the Maid of Orleans stepping
into the promised bliss of Eternity.
So Tchaikovsky. So French. So over-the-top.
The opera is fraught with problems. But Tchaikovsky provides
wondrous opportunities for his singers. Special mention must be
given to baritone Philip Cutlip as "Dunois". Alongside
his larger fellow baritones and basses, Mr. Cutlip's baritone
is strong and consistently clear. He is fortunate in that his
abilities as a Leading Man are easily recognized and engaged by
such companies as Opera Birmingham for the title role of "Don
Giovanni" and the Seattle Opera for "Marcello"
in LA BOHEME. Bass-baritone Philip Skinner as Joan's father, "Tibaut",
is a graduate from the Merola Opera Program and former Adler Fellow.
Familiar to General Director David Gockley from his previous association
with the Houston Grand, Mr. Skinner's roles there include the
four villains in THE TALES OF HOFFMANN and Mozart's "Figaro".
Perhaps next Summer Season will see him in a "Return of the
Divos". Current Adler Fellow Sean Panikkar proved a very
tempting and romantic tenor in his role as "Raymond",
the rejected suitor to the distracted Joan. Soprano Karen Black,
also an Adler Fellow and Merola Graduate, heard the "Bravas"
during her curtain call as "Agnes Sorel", faithful mistress
to the King. (Apparently the sky god sympathizes with the frustrations
of an unhappy marriage.)
If you are a fan of Tchaikovsky's ballets SWAN LAKE and SLEEPING
BEAUTY, you will surely recognize their kinship with his MAID
OF ORLEANS. He is at his best with the fantastical, with swords
of virtue and shields of truth, with demons and fairy-angels,
forbidden love and Eternal longing. This "Joan of Arc",
starring our own fiery superstar Dolora Zajick, returns for three
more performances:
Wednesday, June 14, 7:30
Sunday, June 18, 12 PM
Wednesday, June 28, 7:30
Order tickets on-line at:
Box Office: (415) 864-3330