With Seán Martinfield

Seán Martinfield
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
OPERA IN THE PARK - Holiday Fireworks
By Seán
July 4, 2006
Last Saturday afternoon music-loving sun worshippers gathered
at Dolores Park to pay homage to three of The City's brightest
Divas appearing at this Summer Season of the San Francisco Opera.
Led by Conductor Donald Runnicles and supported by the fabulous
Opera orchestra, sopranos Ruth Ann Swenson and Twyla Robinson
and mezzo soprano Dolora Zajick treated the crowd to a variety
of arias which exploited their goddess-like vocal chops and filled
the open grassy amphitheatre with love, light and mesmerizing
charm. The crowd went wild with cheers, beers and tears. Beaming
alongside as Host and Master of Ceremonies, newly appointed General
Director David Gockley (shaded by his lucky baseball cap) promised
the benefactors, veteran ticket holders, opera buffs and buffed
opera queens, along with all the Newly Converted yelling "more,
more!" that the San Francisco Opera would get back on track
with guaranteed crowd pleasers, international celebrities, and
- with the announcement of the winning ticket holder - dinner
with him and a diva (maybe a divo?).
It was another first for Mr. Gockley and for San Francisco. Fast
in the fast lane with his glamorous success of the Opening Night
simulcast at Civic Center Plaza [see article, "San Francisco
Opera - Opening Spectacular"] including usage of the "curvilinear
array" of MILO speakers (suspended from cranes) providing
clear stereophonic separation for everyone, the choice of a Saturday
afternoon at Dolores Park proved a most welcome alternative to
the traditional Sunday afternoons in Golden Gate Park. Dolores
Park is a short and easy walk to BART and is criss-crossed in
every direction by nearby MUNI lines. The weather is always better
in this palm-lined oasis of the Castro District, there are wonderful
cafés and coffee houses nearby and even a couple of Laundromats
if you need to multi-task between cadenzas. Earlier that morning
up the street at Mission Dolores, local historians joined bus
loads of tourists and the persevering faithful to commemorate
San Francisco's 230th Birthday - the first occurring 5 days before
the signing of the Declaration of Independence - and defined by
the mission being The City's first public building (albeit a brushwood
shelter erected on the shore of a now swallowed-up lake, the Lago
de los Dolores) and dedicated with the celebration of a Mass.
En masse this day at Dolores Park - nearly 10,000 celebrants raised
their cups and spirits to the dazzling fireworks springing-up
from the human voice.
Dolora Zajick, the "Joan of Arc" in this season's MAID
OF ORLEANS [see review, June 12, 2006] has been proclaimed as
the leading dramatic mezzo soprano of our time. She can stand
side by side with Marilyn Horne, both women carrying the power
and blast of a Sherman Tank. Similarly, both singers endear themselves
to us with sweet vulnerability and fiery passion, impishness and
regality. Ms. Zajick shows her smarts by exercising her options
when selecting the text. In her final selection, Leonora's aria,
"O mon Fernand", from Donizetti's challenging "La
Favorite", she chose the original French as opposed to the
later and now more commonly heard Italian libretto. Some material
for some singers just sits better in the voice when performed
in another language - a common practice in the world of opera.
For Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti, his lusty Spanish heroine,
"Leonora" - mistress to King Alfonso, conqueror of the
Moors - needed the sophistication and delicacy of the French tongue.
Probing a bit deeper, the singer discovers it is the subtle differences
in the placement of the vowels, especially on the high notes,
that allow her equipment and technique to rouse the listener (or,
in this case, to sustain the Royal interest) - or simply choose
another piece. Ms. Zajick's top register rivals that of her fellow
sopranos. In fact, during the final moments of an "anything
you can sing, I can sing higher" duet/encore by Swenson and
Robinson, "Musetta's Waltz Song", Ms. Zajick approached
the stage, gave a high-sign to the audience, muscled her way between
the two who gestured back with an "OK, it's yours" and
then blasted out a sustained High B as bright and welcoming and
secure as Liberty's torch. It was candy all around. Treat yourself
to her CD, "Dolora Zajick - The Art of the Dramatic Mezzo-Soprano".
Twyla Robinson, this season's "Countess" on the "Cast
B" roster of Mozart's THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO proved herself
a formidable concert recitalist and extremely savvy Diva. On top
of that, with haunting eyes ("the color of tears" as
she would later proclaim in an aria by Menotti), bright auburn
hair, and a set of cheek bones possessed by many of the world's
leading sopranos, she is also majestically beautiful. Two of her
selections were incredibly appropriate to the Holiday Weekend.
Sung in the original Czech, her "Song to the Moon" (from
Dvorák's, RUSALKA) was among the material American Black
Soprano Marian Anderson included in her 1939 Washington, DC performance
on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Because of Ms. Anderson's
race, the Daughters of the American Revolution had banned the
famed soprano from singing at Constitution Hall. In protest, thousands
of well-established members including the First Lady, Eleanor
Roosevelt, resigned from the organization. However, being under
the management of famed impresario and talent agent Sol Hurok,
he and Mrs. Roosevelt along with Secretary of the Interior Harold
Ickes arranged for Ms. Anderson's outdoor concert which was then
broadcast nationwide. For us in the free open air of Dolores Park,
Twyla Robinson's piercingly beautiful voice - itself a Discovery
- was launched toward the silvery half-moon gliding across the
afternoon sky. "Silver moon upon the deep dark sky / Through
the vast night pierce your rays. / This sleeping world you wander
by, / Smiling on men's homes and ways."
Following Intermission, Twyla Robinson again stirred the political
blood with "Magda's" aria, "To this we've come"
from Gian-Carlo Menotti's 1950 opera, THE CONSUL. Arriving early
for the rehearsal, I was astounded that she held nothing back
during a complete run-through of this aria so filled with angst
and colored by frustration. Addressing a governmental secretary
(and throughout the meatier parts of a typical dramatic soprano's
range, i.e., 1st-space F to High A-flat) Magda furiously admonishes
with, "Tell me, Secretary, tell me, who are these men? If
to them, not to God, we now must pray, tell me, Secretary. Who
are these dark archangels? Will they by conquered? Will they be
doomed? Is there one - any one behind those doors to whom the
heart can still be explained? Is there one - any one who still
may care?" Come the actual concert presentation, Ms. Robinson's
voice was fresh, sparkling, and formidable. It seemed we were
all taken by surprise by the beauty of the composition, and the
striking poignancy and powerful currency (or "capital")
of its text. The composer will observe his 95th birthday on July
7th. With Twyla Robinson at the helm, he is assured that his works
will not fall into obscurity.
Sadly, our dazzling "Madama Butterfly", Soprano Patricia
Racette ("La Fantastique"), was not on the bill due
to illness. If it has anything to do with this year's pollen counts
and the paralyzing and clogging effects it has exacted upon the
vocal cords and sinuses, she has my heartfelt sympathy. But, the
door was opened for an appearance by new-comer and current Adler
Fellow, soprano Rhoslyn Jones. She participated with Dolora Zajick
in the "Veil Song", another Olympian challenger, this
one from Verdi's DON CARLO. No doubt, Ms. Jones will be a "returning
diva" some years hence, having just picked up a few tips
from the Masters - such as Dolora being on stage left and then
lifting the veil to her beaming face while tantalizing the audience
by spinning her fine coloratura through the gossamer threads.
Following the last-minute rescheduling of Melody Moore as "The
Countess" in THE MARRIAGE OF FIGARO [see review, "Wife
#3"] I also attended Soprano Ruth Ann Swenson's (Cast "A")
performance the following week. Very different. Ms. Swenson has
enjoyed a respectable career and has certainly built a large contingent
of loyal admirers. Given the fact that she would be facing another
3 ½ - hour "Figaro" again the following afternoon,
it is totally understandable that she may have been pampering
her vocal cords with the one aria, "Addio senza rancor"
from LA BOHEME and the closing song, "Over the Rainbow"
from THE WIZARD OF OZ. Nevertheless, the mature and lovely and
still very perky Ms. Swenson was surrounded in magic all afternoon.
Streams of hand-blown bubbles floated by her during "someday
I'll wish upon a star, and wake up where the clouds are far behind
me." And at the end, with an eye towards the fog beginning
to roll over Twin Peaks and during the lyrical question of "if
happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, why, oh why can't
I" - a pair of vagrant street pigeons decided to land above
and behind her on the canvas tent protecting the orchestra and
then darted off during her final high-note. Well, folks, even
Ms. Swenson would have to agree that such timing is so typically
San Francisco.
To repeat Mr. Gockley's announcement about the forthcoming Opera
Season of 2006-07: "Individual tickets go on sale Monday
at 10 AM."
Tickets available at:
Box Office: (415) 864-3330