Elevated cardinals receive gold ring
from Pope Benedict during Mass of Rings
at the Vatican

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Luke
March 26, 2006
Rome - Following their elevation
to rank of Cardinal, Pope Benedict XVI gave each of his 15
new cardinals a gold ring during a special Mass on the steps of
St. Peter's Basilica, attended by thousands of adoring devotees
Embossed with a crucifix and engraved with Benedict's papal seal,
the pope said the rings are a symbol of the cardinal's commitment
of fidelity to the Roman Catholic Church, much like the rings
exchanged between spouses.
"May your acceptance of the ring be for you a renewal of
your 'Yes,' your 'Here I am,' addressed both to the Lord Jesus
who chose you and constituted you, and to his holy church which
you are called to serve with the love of a spouse," the pope

Cardinal William H. Levada, former U.S. Archbishop and Archdiocese
of San Francisco,
kneels before Pope Benedict XVI to receive his gold ring symbolizing
a renewed commitment of fidelity to the Roman Catholic Church
Wearing gold vestments, each cardinal knelt before the German
pontiff under clear skies to receive his ring; each kissing the
pope's hand after the ring had been placed on the "princes"
right hand.
