With Mishana Hosseinioun

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
The Third Sex
By Mishana
April 13, 2006
In the free flowing bazaar of our 21st century gender
economy, we float, neither fully men nor wholly women, but as
members of the comprehensive third sex. In many ways, we share
a collective skin, an elastic global organ of some sorts. It is
not to say, however, that every tenacious effort on our part to
differentiate ourselves from one another in getup, gait and gray
matter, is a futile and utterly unfounded endeavor. In fact, this
tool has served as one of society's greatest arms and shields
throughout history, whether in constructing incest and homosexuality
taboos to preserve 'orderly' kinship structures, or in branding
the Other or Beauvoirian second sex for purposes of patriarchal
supremacy. But that was so 1949. It may just be that the elusive
identities we create for ourselves and others today, in general,
are hardly capacious enough to encompass our full range of being,
especially in this increasingly globalized and interconnected
world of ours; if anything, they serve to compartmentalize us
not unlike items in a supermarket aisle, when really we are more
souk-material than Safeway. For that reason alone, being more
cognizant at all times of our vacillation along that universal
ID axis becomes our biggest modern day challenge. It is an imperative
Transsexuals must know this reality all too well, having been
unapologetically misplaced on the gender shelf by the Stork in
its haste during delivery, yet having subsequently taken to properly
re-shelving themselves at all costs. In choosing to make the grueling
trek toward self-actualization and trading in their days 'behind
barcodes' for a life in the fast checkout lane, these resilient
individuals have come to embody the ultimate art of cultivating
one's own garden. We are all-man, woman and hermaphrodite alike-to
one extent or another, wittingly or not, making that excursion
as well. Only now we can turn to our chameleon-like kin as the
sources of emulation and consolation we never knew we had.
It is common, for instance, for most women with any aspiration
to ascend to the male-dominated strata of power, to be in the
business of sporting short bobs and wearing the pantsuits in the
casa. With a pair of X chromosomes to their name, why stop short
of a Y, they are wont to question. As if females did not already
have their share of burdens, they have gone on to bear those of
males as well, and understandably so. After all, a glossy ponytail
has yet to make it past the glossies, and no Femmebot has ever
scored a Governorship. Besides, why let their bosom weigh them
down, so to speak, when they can just as soon grab life by the
jewels? All the same, today's Stephen-turned-Stephanie might have
a lesson or two to teach them about fully appreciating that which
only women hold in their 'cups.' Breathtaking gender illusionist
Cass might even step in to inspire nostalgia in each and everyone
amongst them for that long forsaken, fierce element called femininity
that once launched a thousand ships.
Long gone, perhaps, though liable to be resurrected, are the
days when a lounging Cleopatra would stir perfume with one gilded
finger and twirl an entire empire around the other. Here to stay
is an age in which men soaking their cuticles in bubble water
ponder how much more of their masculinity they can safely give
up to experience another such feeling of utter serenity and freedom
in their lifetime.
here Mishana's archive.