Supervisor Mirkarimi introduces legislation
to establish police foot patrols

Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
From the Office of Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi
May 23, 2006
Ordinance adopting Section 10A.1 of the San Francisco Administrative
Code to establish a one-year pilot program requiring foot patrols
in crime-impacted areas within the boundaries of Northern and
Park Police District Stations, and require reporting and review
on the effectiveness of the foot patrols.
Existing Law
The Chief of Police manages the Police Department, including
assignment of officers to foot patrols. There are no specific
staffing or reporting requirements for foot patrols in the municipal
Amendments to Current Law
The proposed ordinance would require the Police Department to
staff at least one foot beat in the area covered by Northern Police
Station, and one in the area covered by Park Police Station, during
the swing watch and the night watch. The proposed ordinance would
define three foot beats within the area covered by Park Station
and four within the area covered by Northern Station. The officer
in charge at each station during the swing and night watches would
have discretion to select which beat to staff with an officer
on foot patrol.
The ordinance would describe appropriate activities for officers
on foot patrol, such as establishing a periodic physical police
presence at key locations where children, youth and seniors gather,
identifying and addressing crime and nuisance problems, fostering
communication between residents and the police department, and
encouraging residents' involvement in crime-prevention activities.
The ordinance also would set forth appropriate activities for
supervisory personnel, including working with residents to develop
neighborhood-specific policing priorities and strategies, training
officers, and tracking results.
The ordinance would require the Police Department to track crime,
by type, within the areas covered by the foot beats. It would
also require the station Captains to maintain detailed records
regarding the staffing of the foot beats. The Captains would be
required to report monthly to the community, and after six months
to the Board of Supervisors and the Police Commission.
The ordinance would expire one year from the effective date of
the ordinance.