Doctor walkout delays Morales execution to 7.30
p.m. tonight

Michael Morales
California Department of Corrections photo
By Laurie Isola, Bay City News Service
February 21, 2006
San Quentin State Prison Warden Steven Ornoski will move forward
with the execution of Michael Morales at 7:30 p.m. today, according
to prison spokesman Vernell Crittendon.
Morales' execution has already experienced delays. The most recent
delay came when two anesthesiologists appointed to be present
during the execution voiced ethical concerns, Crittendon announced.
Crittendon read from a statement, minutes before the announcement
that the execution would be moved to 7:30 p.m., from the two anesthesiologists:
"The February 20 delivery of an opinion by the 9th Circuit
Court of Appeals raised serious questions about a possible responsibility
to personally intervene in the execution of Mr. Morales, if any
evidence of either pain or a return to consciousness arose. Any
such intervention would clearly be medically unethical. As a result,
we have withdrawn from participation in this current process.
The District Court Order that followed the publication of the
9th Circuit Opinion does not sufficiently allay our concerns.
"While we contemplated a positive role that might enable
us to verify a humane execution protocol for Mr. Morales, what
is being asked of us now is ethically unacceptable."
Crittendon could not confirm what was said in the district court
He said the 7:30 p.m. execution will not include anesthesiologists,
but will use a second option made available to the prison by the
court. The option to be used will be a five gram injection of
sodium pentothal.
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