Nader, activists, to press Pelosi for end to
and for accountability to constituents

Ralph Nader
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
What: Nader Press Conference & Visit
to Pelosi's Office
When: Thursday, February 15, 2007, 11:00
Where: Phillip Burton Federal Building Plaza,
450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco
Ralph Nader along with constituents of Speaker of
the House Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi's district will hold a press
conference and then visit Pelosi's office. Nader will be pressing
Pelosi to use her position as Speaker to end the funding for the
war. He will also be announcing the formation of a Pelosi watchdog
When Nader was last in San Francisco and spoke at
the Roxie Theater on December 28, 2006, he challenged the audience
to form a Pelosi Watch group. Medea Benjamin and other activists
from the Green Party, Code Pink and other groups responded to
the call, and they will be launching a Pelosi Watch website next
week. The website will host updates on Pelosi's actions, op eds,
blogs and legislative positions, including her votes on appropriations
for the Iraq war. Nader is watching the Democrats actions on the
war and he has said that he has not yet decided whether he will
make another presidential bid in 2008.
Nader is going to Pelosi's office to underscore
the demand of growing numbers of people for her to use her power
as Speaker and her leadership role in the Democratic Party to
end the war quickly. Nader's visit to Pelosi's office comes a
day after the women's anti-war group Code Pink's Valentine's Day
action delivering hearts to Pelosi urging her to defund the war
and requesting she meet with anti-war groups in the district before
month's end.
Code Pink's actions were the first, and Nader's
the second, of a series of lobbying visits to be made by various
groups being coordinated by the Pelosi Lobby Project . The participants
will be posting their report-backs from the meetings on the web.
The Project is now doing outreach to expand the number of individuals
and community groups who will lobby Pelosi to take concrete steps
to bring the troops home. Several groups are scheduled to make
visits next week.
Nader well known for his presidential campaigns
and citizen advocacy is in town giving lectures about his new
book "The Seventeen Traditions". A new documentary on
his life and accomplishments "An Unreasonable Man" will
have its San Francisco premiere March 9 th at the Lumiere Theater.