Mayor invites assailants of Chinatown homeless
man surrender directly to Newsom

Mayor Newsom reacts to video of assailants beating a homeless
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Pat Murphy
March 8, 2006
Four men caught on video tape as they repeatedly kicked a sleeping
homeless man in Chinatown over the weekend best "come down
to my office and turn themselves in," Mayor Gavin Newsom
suggested Tuesday.
Newsom told the Sentinel criminal suspects have surrendered directly
to the mayor in the past.
He offered the invitation after viewing the video tape during
a visit to San Francisco General Hospital yesterday.
"Their best thing they could do, I think, is come down to
my office and turn themselves in," Newsom said. "I mean
that with sincerity."
"We'll find them. They'll be found and when they're found
they'll be taken care of appropriately and be held accountable
for this.
"But if they came down maybe we could help them redirect
their life a little bit more appropriately and I'd be happy to
take them in my office and we'll start with a little discussion
about what it is they hope to become in their lives and try to
redirect them in ways that can be constructive."
The mayor recalled a past criminal suspect surrender to Newsom.
"He said he had seen me out in the community and said that
he trusted me," Newsom told the Sentinel.
"What was incredible was that he said he didn't want to
turn himself immediately and gave me his cell phone, and I trusted
him and called him the next day and he turned himself in.
"If someone did something wrong, own up to it and then we'll
help, hold you accountable and make sure you make this a positive
thing in your life by helping turn around other people's lives."
The mayors office is located in Room 200 of San Francisco City
Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place (formerly Polk Street) between
McAllister and Grove Streets.