Newsom urges Iowa Democrats
return to liberal roots

Mayor Gavin Newsom echoes similar message to Iowa Democrats,
first delivered to Young Democrats of America in San Francisco,
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Pat Murphy
November 15, 2005
Mayor Gavin Newsom yesterday urged Iowa progressive activists
to bolster reclamation of Democratic Party liberal values.

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom discusses urban revitalization
at a round table with locals and elected officials at Roosevelt
High School in Des Moines, Iowa. At left is U.S. Congressman Leonard
Boswell; at right is State Senator Jack Hatch.
Photos courtesy Erica

Iowa State Senator Jack Hatch introduces at roundtable discussion
on urban revitalization among Des Moines residents and elected
officials Monday. At right is Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie. Hatch
hosted San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom during his visit to Iowa.

San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom talks with high school students
in Des Moines, Iowa, about the need for entertainment opportunities
for young people in cities.
Nothing less than a return to Democratic base core
issues will capture American electorate imagination, Newsom said.
It was the San Francisco mayor's second major address in recent
months asking party reformation. Last April, Newsom told the National
Convention of Young Democrats that party leaders should stand
on convictions or get out of the way.
Newsom carried the message to a Sunday campaign rally for Iowa
State Senator Jack Hatch (D-Des Moines).
The Iowa senate is evenly split between Republicans and Democrats,
in a state where moderate Democratic Governor Tom Vilsack doesn't
share vision for the party advocated by Hatch and Newsom.
"I want a liberal message that we don't have to be afraid
of our core issues," stated Hatch, according to the Association
Press (AP).
Newsom cited practical value of clearly defined party stance.
"We're running a 90-yard dash right now and not crossing
the finish line," Newsom said. "We're not saying publicly
what we say privately on many issues.
"If you can't stand on your convictions, you've got a weak
foundation," Newsom said. "I would argue we've got to
get our foundation in order before we embark on a journey to recapture
the imagination of a majority of people," the AP reported.
Newsom first threw down party gauntlet, April 4, before young
Democrats gathered in San Francisco.
On bedrock Democratic issues such as health care and poverty,
"There's nothing that we're hearing from our leadership that's
real and tangible," Newsom charged.
"Ideals and principles transcend tenure, and I really think
that if this party is going to be the party that brought us women's
rights, equal rights, brought us civil rights, brought us human
rights, worker's rights, and, yes, brought us Gay Lesbian Bisexual
and Transgender rights, then we as a party have to get our act
"If you cannot stand on your convictions, get out of the
"If you cannot stand on principle, get out of the way."