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Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas, Publisher Fog City Journal.
Photo by Catherine
By Luke
November 6, 2006
What would Freud say?
Ryan Chamberlain of SFSOS ilk admits being hatefully obsessed
with Supervisor Chris Daly, so much so that he's willing to get
down on his hands and knees to take close-up pictures of human
excrement and use the pics in a campaign mailer blaming Daly.

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Election Day videos to keep in mind
A screaming indictment of Bush...
... but Pelosi refuses to impeach Bush
Who are you going to vote for?
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Where is the money going to come from?
By Francis
November 6, 2006
Tomorrow Californians will vote on five new general obligation
bonds, which are loans to be paid over the next 30 years directly
from state tax revenues. These bond issues - Props. 1b, 1c, 1d,
1e, and 84- if passed would add over $42 billion in new debt to
the state and would increase the state budget by nearly $2.5 billion
per year.
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Public safety a hot issue for some San Francisco
By Brent Begin, Bay City News Service
November 6, 2006
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - With at least four competitive races
for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on Election Day, many
voters are looking to candidates with an eye on combating the
city's surge in violent crime.
The city's homicide rate, a total of 75 in 2006, is on pace to
match the ten-year-high of 2005, city agencies are scrambling
to quell a surge in gang violence and supervisors are passing
legislation that would mandate policing strategies.
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