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San Francisco Supervisors sworn in to office
Peskin re-elected as Board President

Supervisors re-elect Bevan Dufy, Chris Daly, Sophie Maxwell, Michela
Alioto-Pier and newly elected Supervisor Ed Jew pledge their oath
of office and are officially sworn in to the San Francisco Board
of Supervisors during a specially convened meeting at City Hall
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Brigid Gaffikin, Bay City News Service
January 8, 2007
Amid cheering, clapping, the occasional hiss and even the cries
of young babies, four re elected members of the San Francisco
Board of Supervisors and first-time supervisor Ed Jew were sworn
into office in a packed legislative chamber today.
Full story, click
Jerry Brown sworn in as State Attorney General

Former Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown, with left hand on a copy of
the Bible, was sworn in to office today as California's 31st Attorney
General by Brown's neice, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Kathleen
Kelly. The swearing in ceremony was held
in the rotunda of San Francisco City Hall.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Tamara Barak, Bay City News Service
January 8, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - Promising to use the full resources
of his office to enforce state environmental and labor laws, Jerry
Brown was sworn in today as California's 31st attorney general.
The former Oakland mayor and California governor was sworn in
at an inauguration ceremony at San Francisco City Hall. His niece,
San Francisco Superior Court Judge Kathleen Kelly, administered
the oath of office.
Full story, click
With h brown

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester reviews Board of Supervisors
swearing in ceremony
January 9, 2008
"You're the last one."
(Sheriff Hennessey states the obvious)
I was a bit late to the swearing in of the City
and County of San Francisco's 63rd edition of its Board of Supervisors.
I actually didn't expect to even get into the chambers and if
I hadn't run into our illustrious Sheriff, I wouldn't have.
His deputies didn't want to recognize my Bulldog press pass
but the City's all-time top vote getter has a broader perspective.
Full story, click
And in other news...
mayor's son denied parole for murder conviction
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