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Newsom report ties Earthlink Wi-Fi deal
to San Francisco digital inclusion promise

Mayor Gavin Newsom. File photo (10/23/6)
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Tamara Barak, Bay City News Service
January 16, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom
today released a report outlining the city's efforts to bridge
the digital divide that separates its low-income, elderly, and
disabled citizens from the benefits of technology.
The report, called the Digital Inclusion Strategy, aims to build
on the Jan.
5 deal between the city and Earthlink to offer free wireless
Internet access throughout the city.
Full story, click
Yee appointed Assistant President of State Senate

California State Senaror Leland Yee appointed to the position
of Assistant President pro Tem of the California Senate earlier
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Elizabeth Daley, Bay City News Service
January 16, 2007
State Senate President pro Tem Don Perata, D-Oakland, has appointed
state Senator Leland Yee, D-San Francisco/San Mateo to the position
of Assistant President pro Tem of the California Senate.
Yee is to preside over state Senate floor proceedings as needed
and serve on the Democratic caucus leadership team for the 2007
to 2008 legislative session.
Full story, click
With h brown

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
Court Jester on Josh Wolf and loss of old friends
January 16, 2007
"At midnight on New Year's eve, the
prisoners rattled their bars."
(Letter excerpt from Josh Wolf)
My neighbor, Walter, has gotten 3 letters from
Josh Wolf since he began writing him a couple of months ago.
He says that Josh is feeling a little forgotten and asks that
we write him.
Full story, click
California promises new execution procedure

Photo courtesy Death
Penalty Information Center
By Jason Bennert, City News Service
January 16, 2007
California state prison officials said today
that they would present a new lethal injection procedure for
a federal judge's approval by May 15.
Executions in California have been effectively
halted for the better part of a year due to concerns by U.S.
District Court Judge Jeremy Fogel that the three-drug procedure,
known as OP 770, potentially violates the Constitution's ban
on "cruel and unusual punishment'' because of the possibility
that condemned inmates may feel excruciating pain when two of
the drugs are administered.
Full story, click
Federal appeals court orders resentencing
for Millenium Bomber

Ahmed Ressam
Photo courtesy Wikipedia.com
Bay JuliaCheever, City News Service
January 16, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - A federal appeals
court in San Francisco today ordered a resentencing for a man
known as the "Millennium Bomber" for a foiled plot
to bomb LosAngeles International Airport on New Year's Eve 1999.
Ahmed Ressam, 39, an Algerian citizen who moved
to Canada, trained at an Al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan in 1998
and early 1999.
Full story, click
And in other news...
City Journal wants to know: If you could have any mayor you
who would it be?
awaits sanity hearing after 2nd degree murder conviction of
her children
real estate speculation decreasing
- Comments on Parliamentary Democracy
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