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New study prompts retry of Saturday Golden Gate
Park auto prohibition
Supervisor McGoldrick leads charge

Supervisor Jake McGoldrick (right) led a rally Tuesday on the
steps of City Hall calling attention to a
new study showing Golden Gate Park usage increases when autos
are prohibited. Following the press conference, McGoldrick introduced
new legislation to close part of John F. Kennedy Drive to vehicular
traffic on a six-month trial basis.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Tamara Barak, Bay City News Service
February 28, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - In a second attempt to close a
section of Golden Gate Park to cars on Saturdays, San Francisco
Supervisor Jake McGoldrick Tuesday introduced legislation to close
part of John F. Kennedy Drive to traffic on a six-month basis.
The stretch of road in question -- from Kezar Drive to Traverse
Drive - has long been closed to traffic on Sundays.
Full story, click
Former McAfee counsel indicted
in stock option backdating case

Screen shot courtesy McAfee,
By Julia Cheever, Bay City News Service
February 28, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - The former general counsel of McAfee
Inc., a computer security company based in Santa Clara, was indicted
by a federal grand jury in San Francisco Tuesday on seven charges
related to allegedly fraudulent backdating of stock options.
Kent Roberts, 50, of Dallas, is scheduled to be arraigned before
a federal magistrate in San Francisco on Thursday.
Full story, click
San Francisco landslide displaces 120 residents
in North Beach
By Brent Begin and Lara Moscrip, Bay City News
February 28, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - Officials have no estimate as to
when 120 North Beach residents forced out of their homes due to
a massive landslide that hit the southern slope of Telegraph Hill
Tuesday morning will be able to return home.
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom came out to assure residents
that the city is doing all it can to help those affected by the
slide, which includes 87 apartments and condominiums.
Full story, click
Herrera calls for restraining order
against Newsom stalker
By Brent Begin, Bay City News Service
February 28, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO (BCN) - A Union City man accused of stalking
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom will find out in just over a
week if a judge will grant a restraining order against him.
According to a complaint filed by the city attorney's office,
Han Shin, 42, has had several brushes with Newsom, including some
uncomfortable run-ins at City Hall, another incident at a town
hall meeting in the Bayview district, and even a close call inside
Newsom's apartment building.
Full story, click
With h brown

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
China First
(name of restaurant on Clement)
February 27, 2007
I don't like the Chinese government one single
friggin' bit and it totally pisses me off that they were able
to force the Falun Gong out
of the Chinese New Year's parade. Any politician who rides
in that parade without first proclaiming their sympathy for
the plight of the Falun Gong shouldn't be supported by Progressives
when they run for re-election.
Full story, click
And in other news...
- Concerts
at Jerry Garcia Amphitheater
FCJ Quote of the Day

Ali Larijani
"We believe Iraq's security is related to
all its neighbouring countries and they have to help settle
the situation."
Ali Larijani, Senior Iranian Official, 2/28/7
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