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Schwarzenegger pledges $2.5 million
for free rides on public transportation

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is joined by Oakland Mayor Ron
Dellums and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom at the site of the
destroyed section of the MacArthur Maze freeway interchange system.
Schwarzenegger announced $2.5 million will be made available for
free rides on public transportation.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Lara Moscrip
April 30, 2007
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger toured the destroyed section
of highway in Oakland's MacArthur Maze late yesterday evening
and pledged that the state of emergency declared today in Alameda,
Contra Costa and San Francisco counties will be used to cut red
tape in order to get traffic flowing again.
Full story, click
Newsom announces transportation plans
after MacArthur Maze collapse

Mayor Gavin Newsom is joined by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
and Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums at the site of the destroyed section
of the MacArthur Maze freeway interchange system.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Elizabeth Daley
April 30, 2007
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom announced he
will be working with city and regional transit officials to
ensure transportation needs of the region are met, following
a fiery
crash that collapsed 250 yards of the MacArthur Maze approaching
the San Francisco Bay Bridge Sunday morning.
Full story, click
The CrackBerry Chronicles
With Elaine Santore

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Elaine
April 30, 2007
Geeks Gone Wild!
On Friday night, Wired
magazine hosted its annual Rave Awards at the St. Regis Hotel
in San Francisco. The SF-based Techie Bible selected 22 individuals
they believed to make the biggest innovations in culture and
technology this year. Frankly, I expected a party full of geeks
and stale food. But, as Krissy Keefer said to us before we left
for the event, "Open bar? I'm an open book."
All the nitty gritty, click
And in other news...
- Former
Assemblymember Lou Papan dies
- Former
New York Mets employee pleads guilty
to selling anabolic steroids to pro-baseball players
Letters, letters, letters...
- Re: "Endorsing Critical Mass"
Letters, click
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