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Caltrans says steel to repair collapsed Maze
hard to find

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Jeff Shuttleworth
April 30, 2007
The availability of steel could determine how quickly repairs
are made to the portion of the MacArthur Maze that collapsed after
a fuel tanker crashed and ignited Sunday morning, Caltrans Director
Will Kempton said today.
Full story, click
U.S. Senator Boxer to visit MacArthur Maze

U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer announced yesterday she will visit
the site of the MacArthur Maze sectional collapse on Friday
and will be joined by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary
Peters. File photo.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Lara Moscrip
May 1, 2007
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer said today she will
make a visit later this week to the portion of the MacArthur
Maze that collapsed after a fuel
tanker crashed and ignited Sunday morning.
Boxer will be joined by U.S. Secretary of Transportation
Mary Peters and members of the California congressional delegation
on the Friday visit, according to a statement from Boxer's Web
site. Boxer spent part of today in a conference call with Peters
and the head of the Federal Highway Administration, Richard
Full story, click
Saving Trinity

Supervisor Chris Daly was honored last week for his efforts
to reach a deal with developer Angelo Sangiacomo over redevelopment
of Trinity Plaza. The agreement maintains rent controlled units
in a new building development, ultimately protecting tenants
from displacement.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Rachel Redondiez and Chris
Daly, special to Fog CIty Journal
April 30, 2007
The real beauty of San Francisco is in the diversity
of our people -- a precious diversity jeopardized by forces
pushing working class people out of their homes and communities.
Nowhere was this issue more in the balance than at Trinity Plaza.
A classic David versus Goliath battle, the Trinity struggle
became the leading symbol of the fight to save
the soul of the City.
On one side was Angelo Sangiacomo, a multi-millionaire
landlord and real estate mogul pushing a fancy development project
for the site. On the other, hundreds of working class residents
and families led by a dozen tenant leaders who became unsung
heroes of San Francisco.
Full story, click
And in other news...
- Officials
gear up for MacArthur Maze collapse consequences
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