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Distorted Headlines: Vietnam's Suppression
of Information

Wives of political dissidents Vu Thuy Ha and Bui Kim Ngan
are restrained by Vietnamese authorities from entering
the U.S. Ambassador Marine's residence in Vietnam.
Photos courtesy of Office of Congresswoman Loretta
Sanchez (D-Garden Grove)
By Rep. Loretta Sanchez, special to Fog City
May 2, 2007
The media has historically played a major role in strengthening
democracies and fostering development around the world. As a human
rights advocate, I think the power of the press and fighting to
improve human rights go hand-in-hand.
Government propaganda and press censorship aims to create a distorted
reality and manipulate thought among a government's citizenry.
Although the Vietnamese government would argue that freedom of
the press does exist, how do they explain the recent incarceration
of journalists Nguyen
Vu Binh and Tran
Khai Thanh Thuy?
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Harris moves to beef up petty crime prosecutions

Citing a spike in misdemeanor case dismissals, District Attorney
Kamala Harris
is calling on the city to hire upto five new prosecutors to
handle petty crime cases.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Brent Begin
May 2, 2007
Citing a spike in misdemeanor case dismissals,
the San Francisco district attorney's office is calling on the
city to pay for more prosecutors to handle petty crimes.
According to the office, prosecutors are currently
assigned 300 misdemeanor cases at any given time in San Francisco
Superior Court, which means prosecutors have a hard time keeping
up with their caseloads.
Full story, click
U.S Senator John McCain
addresses Hoover Institution
- Calls for creation of a "League of Democracies"
- "Rumsfeld will go down as one of the
Secretary's of Defense"

U.S. Senator John McCain
Photo courtesy U.S.
Senator John McCain
By Jason Bennert
May 1, 2007
Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain
today called for the creation of a "League of Democracies,"
a new global alliance of democratic nations that would intervene
in places such as Darfur where the United Nations has failed
to act.
McCain, speaking before an invite-only crowd at
Stanford University's Hoover Institution, said that in the 21st
century regional alliances such as NATO are not enough to cope
with the many global challenges facing the free world.
"The 21st century world no longer divides
neatly into geographic regions. Organizations and partnerships
must be as international as the challenges we confront,"
McCain, R-Ariz., said.
McCain's proposed "League of Democracies"
would be an organization with economic, military and humanitarian
Full story, click
Letters, letters, letters...
- Critical Mass
Letters, click
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