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Teachers rally, demand wage increase
at school board meeting

Members of the United Educators of San Francisco attended yesterday's
school board meeting in San Francisco to demand a wage increase
and a new contract.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Chelsey
May 23, 2007
Teachers rallied late Tuesday afternoon outside the San Francisco
Unified School District headquarters before the bimonthly board
of education meeting. The teachers' union, the United Educators
of San Francisco (UESF), organized the rally to give a voice to
top teacher concerns: fair pay, or a wage increase including a
Cost of Living Adjustment, and a new contract.
Teachers held signs saying "Thank a teacher" which
some passersby did, writing notes of support and encouragement
on a large white board that would later form a backdrop at the
board meeting.
Full story, click
Tuesday night shootings leave one dead, one injured

By Caitlin Cassady
May 23, 2007
Two shootings on Tuesday night left one man dead and another
in the hospital, San Francisco police dispatchers said this morning.
The first shooting occurred at the intersection of Bayshore Boulevard
and Cortland Avenue around 11:10 p.m., according to dispatchers.
Full story, click
Peskin introduces MUNI reform for November

San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Tamara Barak
May 23, 2007
San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Aaron
Peskin introduced a measure yesterday that aims to make the
city's public transit more reliable while cutting waste and
reducing carbon emissions.
Peskin presented the legislation at the end of
yesterday's Board of Supervisors meeting. It will now be submitted
to the board's Rules Committee, which will hold it for 30 days
before voting on it. If passed by the Rules Committee, it will
come back before the full board. The proposal must receive six
votes on the 11-member board to make it to the Nov. 6 ballot.
Full story, click
Former Mayor's secretary to file harrasement
By Matt Wynkoop
May 23, 2007
The former secretary to San Francisco Mayor Willie
Brown, Esther Hwang, will hold a news conference at noon Wednesday
to announce a civil rights lawsuit that she plans to file against
the San Francisco Police Department.
In a statement released yesterday by Hwang's attorney,
Hwang alleges that she was harassed and wrongfully arrested
by officers at around 10:30 p.m. on May 12 in the city's North
Beach district.
Full story, click
And in other news...
- Santa Clara County Sheriff comments on De
Anza rape case
- Concerned U.S. Coast Guard reports changes
in humpback's wound condition
- Coroner called to San Jose home following
- San Jose gay couple announce discrimination
- Man admits to being "the Gilligan Robber"
following his arrest
for allegedly stabbing his wife
- Alameda Board of of Supes pass ordinance holding
adults responsible
for underage drinking
- U.S. Highway 101 reopens after big-rig cleanup
- San Francisco bakery stabbing suspect to appear
in court
- Senator Migden allegedly struck a guardrail
before rear-ending car
- Suspect who shot Oakland officer still at
News briefs, click
Letters, letters, letters...
- Open letter to residents of District One
- Correction
Letters, click
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