With Joe O'Donoghue

Joe O'Donoghue
Copyright Joe O'Donoghue 2006
May 27, 2006
Tim Redmond's editorials are for the most part, factually inaccurate,
more fiction than fact, poor fiction at that.
And it can safely be stated that for content, there is no "there
there" in his editorials.
He mirrors Jake McGoldrick for circumlocution, a beginning, lacking
a middle with no ending.
As a writer, his verbiage lacks bite and he is considered a toothless
journalist - except when writing about the R.B.A. For only then
do things change - his editorials grow amusing leavened to comic
relief as it is realized that for Tim, the R.B.A. and O'Donoghue
are his Viagra.
Getting it up, rising as a Phoenix from the ashes, Tim adumbrates
with the boom boom jest of Paisleites on a July 12th parade.
His editorials which now sputter, inspired by quotes from his
retinue of whimpering puppets activists, Kelly, Haaland, Walker,
are fodder for great theater.
And Tim as a Blazing Saddle journalist saddles backwards. His
explanation: facing the down-ward wind backwards, he avoids affixation
from his own verbal pollutants.
Tiny Tim Redmond
Tim a lunatic of frenzied eyes
Gushes forth his flatulent lies,
Pity him for what he is
Journalist mediocre of diarrhetic fizz,
Envy is his cross of care
Success of O'Donoghue he cannot bear,
Never a hard work day ever done
No wonder he behaves like a moped out bum,
Calling on his side kick chums
They ride his stage with upraised thumbs,
Haaland, Walker and the Kelly bee
Your money from you they want to free,
Tim's words thou dipped and soaked in lies
They take new form in different dyes,
Peddled now by hucksters strong
Sung as if a truthful song.
Joe O'Donoghue
May 25, 2006
Copyright © 2006
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