With Joe O'Donoghue

Joe O'Donoghue
Copyright Joe O'Donoghue 2006
June 6, 2006
This poem was inspired by Cormac McCarthys Blood
Meridian, a historical novel about 1848 Southwest marauders.
One of them, Judge Holden of Texas, much like his
followers, is devoid of conscience and at ease with the horrors
of brutality.
Louise Renne with her 4 apocalyptic followers Julie Moll, Judy
Berkowitz, Mary Ann Miller and Debra Walker -- mirror that insensitivity
of Holden and his troop. Their victims? The elderly and the frail
of Laguna Honda.
It is not without significance that the birthing of their evil,
June 6 06 reflects 666, the numerology associated with Satan.
Louise's Lugars
Silhouettes emerging, formed from darkness
Specter images, they grey sight and light;
In them, the mothers milk of life soured,
Dour sexless creatures -
Paratoxic, they collage together
Devoid of laughter, devoid of song -
Carnivores, primates in human flesh
Power acquisitive bodies, Nietzschean souls,
Shadows shimmering, on life, on light
Birth they evil.
Joe O'Donoghue
June 6, 2006
Copyright © 2006
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