Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas, Fog City Journal publisher.
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
October 12, 2006
Nayman under fire
Conflict instigator and lobbyist Nathan Nayman may be removed
from his sniper's perch as Executive Director of Committee on
Jobs. Rumors-a-swirl suggest Committee on Jobs members want an
artisan of compromise to represent their interests and are tired
of getting nowhere with the Board of Supervisors and Nayman's
confrontational style.
City Hall insiders also whisper Nayman attempts to subvert public
discourse by muscling Mayor's Office of Economic Workforce Development
policy staff into favorable interpretation of passed legislation.
Black says he's NOT funded by downtown
After the D6 spending cap was lifted
last Friday a flood of Rob Black for District 6 mailers began
deluging mailboxes. Black, in a conversation with Fog City Journal
before Ethics announced the lifting of the spending cap, says
he's never received a dime from SF SOS, or Committee on Jobs,
and says he turned down $500 from Gap founder Don Fisher.
Black was the keynote speaker at the most recent SF
SOS luncheon.
Black did admit he accepted a check of $500 from attorney buddy
Jim Sutton who may wear white gloves while handling traceless
Fog City Journal invited Black to write a column to debunk any
"myths" about Black's downtown silencer-wielding supporters.
"Yes," Black affirmed, "I'll have it you Monday."
It's now Thursday and Black's gone silent.