Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas, Fog City Journal publisher.
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
October 19, 2006
SFBG crowns Fog City Journal "Web Site of the Week"
Fog City Journal garners 'Web site of the week' accolade from
the San Francisco
Bay Guardian for an extensive investigative
report by Fog City's Daniela Kirshenbaum. In her report, Kirshenbaum
exposes the dark side of SFSOS and its President, Wade Randlett.

SFSOS President Wade Randlett
Look for more investigative journalism exposing the less reported
from Fog City Journal in coming weeks and months.
Meanwhile, Fog City Journal calls on the City Attorney, District
Attorney and Ethics Commission to investigate all illegal campaign
activity, starting with SFSOS.
Helen Thomas celebrates 30 year anniversary of media group
Media Alliance
White House veteran correspondent Helen
Thomas graced the Green Room in Herbst
Theatre on Friday on the occasion of Media-Alliance'
30th Anniversary. Thomas, who has covered 9 Presidents in
the last 57 years - says Bush is the worst - has been a thorn
in the side of the Bush administration ever since accusing Bush
of wanting to invade Iraq "as soon as he stepped into the
White House."

Helen Thomas
Mirkarimi kudos
Hats off to Ross Mirkarimi for shepherding passage of his pilot
foot patrol program legislation Tuesday. It was a last ditched
effort by Mirkarimi to compel the SFPD to do what the citizens
of San Francisco want our cops to do - walk beats. Are we asking
for too much?

Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi
Lingering questions remain:
Why does it take a lengthy and costly legislative process to
get cops out of their cars to simply walk a beat?
Who is really running our police department, but more importantly,
who is running this city?
POA Vice President slapped with a restraining order
The Chronicle's Susan Sward reported
yesterday Office of Citizens Complaints prosecutor Susan
Leff has obtained a restraining order against POA Vice President
and SFPD Officer Kevin Martin. Martin has a history of intimidating
Leff, most recently using a vehicle in an allegedly threatening

Susan Leff.
The restraining order, signed by Superior Court Judge Ollie Marie
Victoire, orders Martin to stay 50 yards away from Leff at all