Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas, Fog City Journal publisher.
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
November 13, 2006
Dufty redefines brevity of words and grace
Alix Rosenthal telephoned incumbent Supervisor Bevan Dufty after
the District 8 Supervisor race was called to concede defeat and
to congratulate Dufty on his re-election victory. Rather than
exchange pleasantries, Dufty responded, "Thanks, take care"
and hung up the phone.
Dufty, don't you know, saves his eloquence for speeches
in support of foot patrol legislation.
Intrigue-a-plenty over tomorrow's foot patrol legislation
veto vote
City Hall insiders point to Supervisors Maxwell and Dufty as
possible flip-flops on foot patrol legislation support.
Supervisor McGoldrick tells Fog City he is unlikely to switch
his original vote in support of the legislation.
If Maxwell and Dufty flip their votes to sustain Newsom's veto,
it could spell the end of Supervisor
Mirkarimi's effort to help end violent crime in San Francisco's
most impacted neighborhoods.

Supervisors Bevan Dufty and Sophie Maxwell. File
photo, 8/16/6
Look for Supervisor Peskin's vote to either save or kill the
popular legislation if only Maxwell or Dufty switch their vote.
Taylor scoops the inside scoop
Dufty was special guest on the most recent City Desk News Hour
show, a weekly television program providing in-depth analysis
of government and political events. The shows host, City Hall
veteran reporter Barbara Taylor, asked Dufty to comment on Newsom
Indecision 2007.
"He told me he will run", Dufty beamed back.
Back to Black
Former District 6 candidate for Supervisor Rob Black can have
his old job back as aide to former boss Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier.
That was the deal Black struck with Alioto-Pier on condition of
striking out against Daly.
Look for Black's 'Welcome Back Party' to be emceed by Jim Sutton.
Sutton will be the one wearing ink-stained gloves and complaining
of carpal tunnel syndrome.