Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas, Fog City Journal publisher.
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
November 29, 2006
Brown and Bruzzone descant all things San Francisco
Fog City Journal columnist h. Brown, affectionately known as
Francisco Court Jester, retreated from outing SFWall
anonymous posters by name yesterday during an interview with Arthur
Bruzzone on Bruzzone's SF/Unscripted
weekly television program.
Neither Bruzzone or Brown touched upon the firery touchstone
subject during the taped interview, to be aired today at 7:30
p.m. on Comcast cable channel 11, but the hot topic was discussed
offline and off the record.

Arthur Bruzzone and h. Brown
Anonymous SFWall posters were sent
into a panic following a forewarned
possibility that Brown, a self-described satirst, may use
the interview as an opportunity to publicly 'out' select posters
who use their cloaked identities to dagger without accountability.
Some posters scrambled to hide postings upon hearing the warning
boom across their bow, burying posts in hidden archives and deleting
them outright, arguably fearing their free-speech-protected alter
egos just might get some unwanted free speech in the form of Court
Jester sunshine.
Our great U.S. Constitution states, "Congress shall make
no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
With the blessed right of free speech comes accountability,
so say us all... left, middle, or right leaning. Anonymous posters
who skirt responsibility and accountability are equally subject
to free speech in the form of outing for the purpose of counter
balancing the inequity of anonymity.
Brown said of the matter today, "SFSweetie remains a hypocrite
to the very end. She used the shield of anonymity to attack her
competitors in the political arena.
"I went after Sweetie because she began attacking my friends
with lies, and some of them are dead. Harvery Milk cannot defend
himself. Jim Meko can, but to who? John Rizzo can, but to who?
This is about cheap lying backstabbing character assassination
and she should feel fortunate that she has not been outed yet."

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(Another) FCJ Photo of the Week
(something else to think about)
