Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas, Fog City Journal publisher.
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
December 29, 2006
The plot thickens - Timing is everything
Former San Francisco Board President Matt Gonzalez says he wants
to see a viable candidate challenge Newsom in the race for mayor
next year but stopped short of saying anything that might confirm
recent rumors that he, himself, is considering entering the race.

Matt Gonzalez with Ralph Nader
Gonzalez, you'll remember, narrowly lost to then District 2 Supervisor
Gavin Newsom in the 2003 Mayor's race, a race that was ultimately
decided by a Gonzalez camp miscalculation of the importance of
absentee voters.
This time around, with recent Newsom administration problems
surrounding failed negotiations over a new 49ers stadium, the
resulting 2016 Olympics bid collapse, and Newsom's beguiling attempt
to derail foot patrol legislation by way of veto, may just be
the cracks in the dam that work to erode Newsom's sky-high approval
Gonzalez said Thursday he thinks about entering the mayor's race
as much as he thinks about the weather.
However, insiders close to Gonzalez sing a different tune while
emphasizing timing is everything.
Triple-Play Component mulling polls for possible run for mayor
Former District 7 Supervisor Tony Hall, subsequent Treasure Island
Executive Director triple-play component, now regular civilian
since being fired by Newsom, told Fog City Journal today that
recent polls suggest Hall can give Newsom a run for his money.
Hall said he is not presently ready to declare his intention
to enter the mayor's race.
Asked if his motivation to enter the mayor's race has anything
to do with sour grapes over his termination as Treasure Island
Executive Director, Hall said, "If I get into the race it's
strictly to try and bring some integrity back to San Francisco
and some honesty back in government."

Tony Hall
Norman Yee's injuries may be serious
According to a reliable source San Francisco Board of Education
President Norman Yee is undergoing surgery to repair damage to
his spine.

San Francisco School Board President Norman Yee
Yee was struck by a car on Tuesday near the intersection of 4th
and Bryant streets.
The extent of Yee's injuries are not known at this time.
Former San Francisco Elections Commissioner heading to Washington
A former San Francisco Elections Commissioner who served under
both Mayor Frank Jordon and Mayor Willie Brown administrations
is heading to Washington D.C. at the end of January as Congresswoman
Loretta Sanchez' new Chief of Staff.
A formal announcement from Sanchez will be made within a few
Sanchez was recently selected by Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi
to serve as the second-ranking Democrat on the House
Committee on Homeland Security. The committee was chartered
to hold hearings and craft legislation for issues specific to
homeland security; it also has the power to conduct investigations
and subpoena witnesses to testify before the panel.
Keefer gets national attention from MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour
Former congressional candidate Krissy
Keefer was recently interviewed by representatives of the
MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour
Keefer ran a grassroots campaign using mostly her own funds to
unseat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Despite losing to Pelosi, Keefer
earned admiration and respect from all quarters for taking Pelosi's
record to task.
Pelosi, in her infinite wisdom, avoided all opportunities to
debate Keefer on Pelosi's appropriations support for the war in
Iraq, and for taking articles of impeachment of President George
W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, for war crimes against
humanity, off the table.

Krissy Keefer
The MacNeil/Lehrer segment will air on PBS, January 4.