Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas, Fog City Journal publisher.
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
January 20, 2007, 8:15 p.m.
Gunfight at the O.K. corral?
Board President Aaron Peskin and Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi tested
Mayor Gavin Newsom's Room 200 open door policy, Friday, to discuss
the recent spike in San Francisco homicides, and a recent Los
Angeles Times article
quoting Mayor's Office of Communications Director, Peter Ragone,
delivering a personal snipe at the ever judicious Mirkarimi.
Ragone is quoted in the article saying, "Mirkarimi can't
walk and chew gum at the same time."
Ragone volleyed the attack on Mirkarimi after Mirkarimi accused
Newsom of being distracted and not focused on the recent spate
of homicides.
"His outrage needs to be proportioned toward the most severe
crimes and less to those that affect his own political image outside
of San Francisco," Mirkarimi was quoted as saying in the
San Francisco has recorded eleven homicides so far in 2007. Should
this trend continue , San Francisco could see a shattering of
all time high homicide records leading to a banner year for mortuaries.
Peskin downplayed rumors the Room 200 meeting was confrontational.
Peskin told Fog City by phone Saturday, "It was a civil discussion.
We weren't screaming
We were working through stuff. It was
passionate. Feelings were hurt."
But, according to sources, the exchange was anything but civil.
More like a lot of red-faced finger pointing interspersed with
well-placed expletives, ending with the Gavster showing the earnest
gun-slingers the door.
Hall gets settlement just in time for possible mayoral challenge
Triple-play component Tony Hall says he's reached a satisfactory
settlement in his dispute with the city over his termination as
former Treasure Island Executive Director. Although not formalized,
Hall is expected to receive $35,000 in withheld compensation,
just in time for a possible run for mayor.
According to Hall, a recent poll shows Newsom approval ratings
in the high thirties.
"35 to 38 percent of voters think Newsom is doing a good
job," Hall told Fog City.
Hall declined to discuss details of the poll but quipped, "Ronald
Reagan, the Pope, and Mother Theresa never ran at 86 percent."
The 700-mile mistake
On Monday the Congressional Steering and Policy Committee will
announce the formation of the Committee on Border, Maritime and
Global Counterterrorism, a sub-committee of the Homeland Security
Committee, to be chaired by Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D-47
CA). The sub-committee will hear the most high profile issues
related to homeland security.
You can expect the sub-committee to begin proceedings starting
with the 700-mile fence proposal on the California Mexico border.
You may recall all the talking heads, particularly the right-winged
types, obsessed over the dangers of "illegal aliens"
pouring over the border. Both Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger,
a former alien himself, and Senator Feinstein, a descendent of
aliens, came out in support of a fence. Schwarzenegger went as
far as to support 'Minutemen'
to patrol the border.
While the outcome of the hearing cannot be predicted, Sanchez
openly refers to the fence as the "700-mile mistake."
Sanchez is the 9th ranking member of the powerful Armed Services
Committee where she will serve on a number of sub-committees.
She is also a member of the Congressional Steering and Policy
On an unrelated note, Sanchez will officially announce her new
Chief of Staff this week. The high profile position will be held
by Susan Horsfall, a former San Francisco Elections Commissioner.
Calling all chickens, where's Waldo?
Mayor Gavin Newsom will be in Davos, Switzerland, this week for
the upcoming World Economic Forum, providing a
second opportunity in as many weeks to defy the will of San
Francisco voters over Proposition I.
The first item of business on the Board of Supervisors agenda,
Tuesday, is 'Mayor's Question Time' and, according to Board President
Aaron Peskin, the item will be called and noticed just like any
other item.
Since our current mayor is expected to be knee deep in Swiss
snow drifts, public comment will not be permitted on the item.
Voters wishing to flap their wings on the issue, however, may
do so during general public comment.