Overheard in Fog City
By Luke
February 24, 2007, 3:00 p.m.
Gonzalez moves to secure campaign manager?
Although former Board President Matt Gonzalez has not officially
declared his candidacy for mayor, he has been working behind the
scenes to secure a campaign manager.
Fog City has confirmed today political campaign strategist, Nicole
Derse, has been in discussions with Gonzalez over her availbility
to be his campaign manager.
Reached by phone, Derse told Fog City she has discussed the position
of campaign manager with Gonzalez but stressed: any offer is contingent
on Gonzalez' decision to run, and her availability.
Derse's impressive résumé includes Campaign Manager
to elect Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi in 2004, Senior Advisor to
re-elect Supervisor Chris Daly in 2006, and Coalition Director
for the Alliance for a better California in 2005.
Gonzalez has not returned calls for comment.

Nicole Derse with Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi,11/2/4.
Photo by Campaign
to Elect Ross Mirkarimi.