Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas, Fog City Journal publisher.
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
March 16, 2007, 12:09 p.m.
Derse send-off draws progressive phalanx and a surprise encounter
Political campaign strategist Nicole Derse drew a shoulder-to-shoulder
crowd at her send-off party held at San Francisco's Space Gallery
last evening. Derse, who had been considered by Matt Gonzalez
to possibly run his campaign for mayor (should he eventually declare),
heads to New Hampshire, March 18, to join the Obama Campaign for
The party drew a phalanx of progressive partisans including heavyweights
Matt Gonzalez, Ross Mirkarimi, Krissy Keefer, Mark Sanchez and
Tim Paulson.
In a discussion between Gonzalez, Mirkarimi and Fog City, the
subject of who will run for what came up. Gonzalez maintains he
is waiting to see who will jump into the mayor's race while Mirkarimi
is waiting to see if Gonzalez will enter the mayor's race.
Mirkarimi told Fog City last Friday, "If Matt Gonzalez runs
I would support Matt Gonzalez and I think Matt should seriously
consider it. I think it would be a shame to not have this mayor's
race challenged.
"I think because of how well Matt did in 2003, he's poised
to make a big impact again."
Asked if he, himself, is considering entering the mayor's race,
Mirkarimi said: "I am extremely flattered by the encouragement
by many people to run. I'll keep an open mind and see what happens."
The million-dollar question remains for one and all: When will
anyone declare to allow the chess game to advance?
Even the San Francisco Chronicle editorial bloggers want Newsom
challenged. One gets the feeling the Chronicle needs to sell a
few newspapers even if it means losing their darling Newsom to
a people's candidate.
And all that ballyhoo about Danny Glover for mayor? Fog City
has it on good authority you've all been had. Sources said the
rumor was hatched to take the heat off Gonzalez.