Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas
FCJ Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
April 19, 2007, 9:45 a.m. Copyright FogCityJournal.com
Alioto clan to declare double-punch candidacies for 2008 California
Senate District 3
and San Francisco District 3 Supervisor races
Fog City has it on good authority (you can bet the farm!) Police
Commissioner Joe Alioto-Veronese will, within two weeks, officially
declare his candidacy for the 2008 California Senate District
3 race, taking on incumbent Senator Carole Migden and challenger
Assemblymember Mark Leno.

Police Commissioner Joe Alioto-Veronese with Mum
and former Board of Supervisors President, Angela Alioto.
Renowned pollster/political strategist, Doug Schoen, will helm
Alioto-Veronese's campaign.
Supervisor Michela Alioto's brother, Joseph Michael Alioto, will
also declare candidacy... for the 2008 San Francisco District
3 Supervisor's race. However, it is unknown at this time when
he will officially announce his bid.
Wedding Bells in Botswana?
When Mayor Gavin Newsom was asked if there was any veracity to
a wedding bell balloon floated by SFist
culture blog phenom Elaine
Santore, his lordship laughed and asked, "To whom?"
San Francisco First Lady hopeful tactfully responded thus: "I'm
surprised you didn't hear about the adopted kids from Botswana."