Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas
FCJ Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
May 3, 2007
Which progressive musketeer will take on Newsom?
Word has it incumbent Mayor Gavin Newsom could soon have a viable
progressive challenger declare candidacy for the 2007 mayor's
But unless someone declares by May's end, a meeting will be convened
to select a noble challenger by way of lottery.
But don't go rushing off thinking Shaw
Alley will be drawing a mayoral straw. His lance, we're told,
is wavering towards Bryant Street pickings.
Agnos, now out of mayoral consideration, leaves three reigning
electeds to ro-sham-bo.
Murphy plays out Newsom Communications Director fantasy?
Newsom's less
than objective dutiful defender, Pat Murphy, couldn't take
anymore of KCBS radio veteran city hall reporter Barbara
Taylor's line of inquiry at Wednesday's Care Not Cash roundtable
discussion in Room 200, cutting off Taylor as she pressed Newsom
about about the possibility of a mayoral veto of Supervisor Daly's
affordable housing supplemental, passed by the full board, Tuesday.

Barbara Taylor
"No, no, no. That's enough, Barbara. I'm starting in but
you keep talking," Murphy curtly interjected while Taylor
was pressing mid-question.
"Well excuse me, Pat," Taylor responded, looking like
a bully had just punched her below the belt.
Ignoring a visibly upset Taylor, Murphy diverted from the subject
of a mayoral veto, serving up the following puff question: "For
the community courts, if you're not able to get funding from the
board, can you fund it from your own separate budget?"