Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas
FCJ Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
November 20, 2007, 11:43 a.m.
Harvey Milk Club Kumbaya - Get ready for a mini-election scramble
And they're off
After much ballyhoo over an early candidate endorsement in the
hotly contested District 3 Senate race, Harvey Milk Club executive
board members agreed last night - by almost unanimous consent
- to hold a final candidate endorsement vote on December 11.
Club president Brian Basinger, we're told, abstained from the
The candidate who receives a 60 percent majority of votes from
eligible club members at the December meeting, will receive the
club's early endorsement.
Based on previous club votes gone awry - the last candidate endorsement
vote descending into bedlam - former Milk club president Carole
Migden is expected to win the coveted club endorsement. Challenger
Mark Leno, who is perceived to be a pinch right of progressive,
has garnered the early endorsement of the moderate-leaning Alice
B. Toklas club.

Assemblymember Mark Leno

District 3 Senator Carole Migden
From the looks of things, last night's fireside kumbaya helped
to heal some some bad feelings between club members, and suggests
the LGBT community is ready to accept the fairest of possible
endorsement outcomes.
Leno gets Toklas, Migden gets Milk. A well-earned draw, and no
blood spilt.

Harvey Milk Club executive board members Debra Walker and Rafael
with club president Brian Basinger.
