Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas
FCJ Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
January 29, 2008
City Hall legend passes
Affectionately known by his colleagues and many friends as the
"Mayor of City Hall," custodian Linus Black died January
26 from post-operative complications related
to a recent illness.
Linus, 60, worked at San Francisco City Hall for 29 years and
is best known for his loquacious upbeat nature.

Linus Black
Photo courtesy Brother Jaye Studios
Linus was born in San Francisco November 15, 1947 to Nevis and
Courtney Black. He was the 4th of ten children and is survived
by his daughter, Angelina.
Linus' illustrious career began with the City of San Francisco
on September 28, 1978. He worked for the Department of Public
Works and the Hall of Justice before transitioning to City Hall.
He was also the shop steward for SEIU 1021.
Linus' father, Nevis Black was also a custodian at City Hall
and retired after 27 years of service. Linus was proud to note
that between his father and himself, the Black family had served
at City Hall for six mayors over a span of fifty years.
Linus founded the "Dream Team" softball team and was
a player-manager for 25 years. He was actively involved with charitable
organizations and teams, and regularly participated in citywide
charity softball events.
"Linus was a funny, wonderful guy and many people who work
in City Hall are going to miss him. I know I will," Sheriff
Michael Hennessey wrote in an email to Fog City Journal today.

Photo courtesy Jennifer
Low Photography
Funeral services:
Quiet hour
Sunday, February 3, 2008
2:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Thompson Funeral Home
E. 14th Street (International Blvd.) btw. 98th and 100th
Oakland 94603
Funeral Service
Monday, February 4, 2008
10:00 a.m.
Elmhurst Presbyterian Church
98th Avenue @ International Blvd.
Oakland 94603