Overheard in Fog City

Luke Thomas
FCJ Publisher and Editor-in-Chief
Photo by Adam Aufdencamp
By Luke
February 9, 2008, 8:30 a.m.
Joe Nation to enter D3 Senate race
Former Marin assemblymember Joe Nation is expected to announce
his candidacy in the District 3 Senate race today.
Nation, who told Fog City Journal in
November that he was looking "more closely" at the
race, declined to elaborate on the details of his upcoming announcement
scheduled for 11 a.m. in Petaluma.
"It's an announcement regarding the race," Nation told
Fog City by phone a few moments ago. "That's all I can say
at this moment."

Joe Nation
Photo courtesy ca.gov
Though Nation, 51, ran unsuccessfully to unseat Congresswoman
Lynn Woolsey (D-Petaluma) in 2006, his name recognition in Marin
and Sonoma counties, coupled with his campaigning experience,
could combine to make the D3 race outcome even more difficult
to predict.
Conventional wisdom, however, suggests Nation, who lives in San
Rafael, will likely draw votes away from incumbent Senator Carole
Migden who is already facing stiff challenges from Assemblymember
Mark Leno and San Francisco Police Commissioner Joe Alioto-Veronese.
When Fog City congratulated him on his decision to enter the
race, Nation said, "Thank you, I appreciate it."