With Mishana Hosseinioun

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: An Enduring Love
By Mishana
February 14, 2006
It takes but a slight stretch of the imagination to see that
the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, in all its heartbreak, is very
much a love story. That is, of course, if one chooses to perceive
the holy cup as half full, as it were. It is a tale of two peoples
and the beloved land they both, in a single breath, claim and
worship as their own. With these various dynamics acting in concerto
and inescapably escalating into the kind of passionate uprisings
typical of the current day drama, it is easy to quickly lose sight
of the love at its core and to simply take it for an empty glass.
Even though recent decades have led to some rock-throwing here
and bulldozing there, they have amounted to little in the way
of genuine peace and reconciliation between the two wild lovers
caught in between; their convoluted relationship is nonetheless
riddled with enough fiery zeal and irrationality to make for a
full-fledged romance. That handshakes, let alone establishment
of mere eye contact, seem all but imminent in their current, implosive
political relationship, would prescribe every more reason to excavate
scraps of affection from ongoing tensions and to wrench lightness
and humor out of the rubble of their everyday existence or non-existence.
Handholding aside, the flat-out denial of the other's presence
in the room, alone, could make a solid diagnosis of their chronic
These Israelis and Palestinians are your old, odd couple, too
plagued by early Alzheimer's to remember each other's name or
on which side of the "Wall" or "Fence" they
parked their car; they are oft jaded by the viciously repetitive
cycle of checkpoints that dictate their all-but-normal, quotidian
lives. Then again, they are not unlike your young, sweltering
newlyweds sprawled on their conjugal bed, too occupied, wrestling
for the spot on top to actually consummate the darn thing. They
are, in sum, a love struck item, at a loss for words-forget diplomacy-with
only their god-given bodies and shake n' bake ammo to turn to
when they want to get the ball rolling, so to speak. Ok, and maybe
a 'Molotov' cocktail or two to break the ice.
Many a love tryst is steeped in its due share of pain, suffering
and passion killings. Why then is everyone so surprised to find
this pair of weathered lovebirds' wading in a bloodbath? Such
is only a natural by-product of the desperate turn taken by their
love affair with their land. It is no secret that where passion
boils, there will inevitably be some steam and the risk of going
a bit off the head. Makes one wonder whether suicide bombers and
their sharp-shooting and sharply dressed counterparts are not
merely the misguided Romeos and Juliets of our time-star-crossed
lovers without quite an equal hand at Shakespearian penmanship
to cast them under sexy candlelight on the evening news. Whatever
the case may be, if this heated battle over the Promised homeland
is not some form of romance or another then it is certainly nothing
to write home about.
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