Project Homeless Connect volunteers
pass out 2,000 pairs of shoes

A Project Homeless Connect client receives a "brand spanking
new" pair of shoes from volunteers, courtesy of the good
folk at Deloitte, a continuing partner and contributor
to the cause to end human suffering.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
From the Mayor's Office of Communications
June 12, 2006
Mayor Gavin Newsom again offered volunteers a spirited and passionate
welcome as he kicked off the eleventh installment of his widely
successful homeless outreach program Project Homeless Connect.

Since it's inception, the bi-monthly event has fostered an unprecedented
spirit of involvement from everyday individuals, community and
faith-based groups, public figures and private corporations wanting
to do whatever possible to help conquer homelessness in San Francisco
and across the country.
"Making a real difference in the lives of others is what
Project Homeless Connect is all about," said Newsom.
"The key to the success of PHC is found in the dedication
of the volunteers who put compassion into action by being a part
of the solution and offering hope to those who need it the most,"
continued Newsom.

Greater public-private involvement continues to play an important
role in the event that links homeless clients to essential services
they need toward self-sufficiency.
Deloitte and PHC sponsors provided 2,000 pairs of shoes to homeless
clients participating in Friday's event. Deloitte also provided
500 volunteers to assist in homeless outreach as a part of their
2nd annual Volunteer Impact Day 2006.

KFOG sponsored a sock drive to offer warm socks to needy clients
and GrandCentral Communications again registered and provided
homeless clients with free voice mail service. The free voice
mail service will expand to shelters throughout the city during
the next coming weeks.
San Francisco Giants' pitcher Steve Kline was also on hand to
invite clients and volunteers to Project
Homeless Connect Night sponsored by the Giants Organization
at AT&T Park on July 31, 2006.
Notably, Mayor Newsom and Project Homeless Connect were awarded
the prestigious Jefferson Award for Public Service at the event.
Newsom's innovative approach has proven to be an effective way
to connect the city's most vulnerable population to the services
and programs they need on the road toward self-sufficiency.

Project Homeless Connect also reinforces the mayor's commitment
to the City's "Housing First" policy in providing more
permanent supportive housing opportunities and increasing the
number of placements coming directly from the streets.
More than 18,000 volunteers have participated in the event since
the start.
PHC XII will take place on August 10, 2006.
