Metropolitan Transportation Commission
seeks public input on Bay Area Transportation Plan
Transportation poll online through January 9

From the Metropolitan Transportation Commission
December 30, 2007
Got opinions? The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
wants to hear them.
MTC is hosting a Web survey on a variety of issues related to
transportation, the environment and land development in the Bay
Area. What actions do you think the Bay Area should take to relieve
traffic congestion, focus future development, and improve the
regions transportation network? Now is your chance to tell
key decision makers your priorities.
Every four years, MTC updates its regional transportation plan,
the regions blueprint for spending federal, state and regional
transportation dollars over the next 25 years. The current update,
called Transportation 2035, is in full swing, and Bay Area residents
now have the opportunity to weigh in online and make their voices
MTCs Web survey is a great way for all of the Bay
Areas residents from truck drivers to bicyclists
to get involved in the important transportation decisions
that affect their everyday lives, said MTC Chair and Napa
County Supervisor Bill Dodd.
The online survey asks participants questions about greenhouse
gas emissions and global warming, housing, improving traffic congestion,
and planning and transportation funding priorities in the region.
Participants also may compare their personal answers with the
results of a telephone poll of 1,800 Bay Area residents conducted
by MTC.
To participate in the MTC Web poll now through Jan. 9, 2008,
log on to
In addition to the English version, the online survey is available
in Spanish and Chinese.
Dont miss out on the opportunity to help create a shared
vision for the regions transportation network that will
help protect the environment, preserve our quality of life and
improve mobility over the next 25 years.
MTC is the transportation planning, coordinating and financing
agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.