Rescue Muni gives nod to Chan, Black, Dufty,
and Maxwell
By Pat Murphy
August 23, 2006
Rescue Muni last night endorsed candidates Doug Chan, Rob Black,
Bevan Dufty, and Sophie Maxwell for November election to the San
Francisco Board of Supervisors.
The public transit advocacy group also recommended a yes vote
on Proposition 1A, a no vote on Proposition 90, and a yes vote
on Proposition E.
The organization has more than 400 members, reported Andrew Sullivan,
who has served as Rescue
Muni chair for eight of ten years since Rescue Muni was founded.

Tee shirt comes with $50 donation to Rescue Muni,
Andrew Sullivan reminded during pizza break.
Photo(s) by Stephen Dorian
Bylaws require members to cast ballots in person, with two-thirds
majority needed through ranked choice vote for endorsement.
Ratification of membership vote is required by two-thirds vote
of steering committee members present. The steering committee
ratified membership endorsements by a 4-1 vote. Twenty ballots
were cast by general members.
District 2 - No Endorsement - 10 votes
District 4 - Doug Chan - 15 redistributed votes

Doug Chan
District 6 - Rob Black - 16 redistributed votes

Rob Black
District 8 - Bevan Dufty - 16 redistributed votes

Bevan Dufty
District 10 - Sophie Maxwell - 17 first choice