Getting 'round to the truth about 9/11

Members of the 9/11 Truth Alliance held a rally yesterday that
began with speeches
in Fisherman's Wharf and ended at Municipal Pier where a floatable
of the 9/11 Commission Report was tossed into the frosty waters
of the San Francisco Bay.
Photos by Luke
Thomas and Robert B.
By Robert B. Livingston,
special to Fog City Journal
December 17, 2007
I was late to today's Tea
Party for 9/11 Truth at Fisherman's Wharf because I do not
like to miss listening to Robert W. McChesney's Media
Matters. It's an insightful radio program about the media
and current affairs that airs (or streams) every Sunday from a
campus station of the University of Illinois.
Today after some initial glitches that prompted a seasonal Vince
Guaraldi interlude and lots of "hellos" à
la No
Time for Sergeants, the journalism professor spoke with Paul
Krugman, an economist best known for his columns in the New
York Times.
Krugman, easily caricaturized by his enemies as the quintessential
hand-wringing liberal (God, bless him!), wasn't nearly as elucidating
as much as I always hope
he will be. On the program, he admitted that the fallout from
the sub-prime mortgage lending crisis was much more serious than
he had anticipated, and he predicted a terrible year ahead-- possibly
even a "horrible" year. (As if many of us hadn't already
He also offered realistic advice tailored for the you-know-who
realistic supporters of Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, or Barack
Obama (certainly not for the daring, but daft dreamers who believe
that Dennis Kucinich stands a chance of winning the Democratic
party nomination). If there was any "silver lining"
to his general doom, gloom, and despair it was Krugman's acknowledgment
that the War in Iraq is not nearly costing us as much as the Vietnam
War had.
Are you listening Clinton, Edwards, and Obama? The military
industrial complex is an equal opportunity employer, so keep your
sabers rattling!
By the way, no one could ever accuse Krugman of ever allowing
the perfect to be the enemy of the good, least of all himself...
but could anyone, anywhere, please explain to him why things have
been getting worse for so many of us every four years? He has
his own ideas of course, but I think Krugman truly suffers from
not knowing completely why.
Oh yeah.... I was late to Fisherman's Wharf
Without having to wait very long, a Muni 9X zipped me there from
Third Street in about 40 minutes... the driver was kind enough
to drop us all off at an unmarked spot a block or two from where
she and others hunkered down to take a break. No matter. I knew
I would catch up with the activists knowing where they had protested
year, so I continued on by walking... spotting a number of
Deception Dollars
along the way which clued me to their trail.

Photo by Robert Livingston
Uh oh
After having just explained that my friends should be right around
the corner to a Russian couple who ogled a Deception Dollar and
smiled with glee after I said something about Vladimir Putin and
our own "president" being an idiot (while doing an abbreviated
pantomime of Bush giving German Chancellor Merkel a neck
rub)-- I soon discovered only quietly lapping waves at the
famous beach by the Dolphin

Photo by Robert Livingston
"Where are they?" I puzzled. Was I late?
After a while of wandering about without any more signs-- and
beginning to wonder what I was missing in Orlando,
Florida, I spotted a friend wearing a Green
Party button on a boat at the wharf. He told me that authorities
had told the activists to "split."
Those weren't his words, but that was the picture he painted.
He pointed up the hill and said that the activists had gone to
find another route to the harbor so that they could, like the
patriots of old who tossed tea into Boston Harbor, symbolically
toss the Zelikow
Report away.
"Thanks, Jeffrey!"
It wasn't long before I finally caught up with the 9/11 Truth
Activists, all colorfully dressed in some American Colonial period
at the top of the park near Ghirardelli
Square. There, they had set up displays and banners calling
for a reinvestigation of the terrible September 11, 2001 terror
incidents which had given a floundering Bush
Administration new vitality and a reason for implementing
their plans for
resource domination in the Middle East.

Photo by Luke Thomas

Attorney William Veale.
Photo by Luke Thomas
Several gave speeches which were interrupted by maddened buskers
performing some sort of an escape trick. One, in a mask and bound
to a pole by a heavy chain yelled, "Go away! Can't you see
we are making a living?" "We'll take care of you!"
responded one activist who paid the man off later.

Photo by Luke Thomas
Because I was focusing on that particular mini-drama, plus a
three-legged dog dragging a leash all-about, some drunks arguing
among themselves about who dissed who and when, and some curious
hangers-on (one with a mustache full of cookie crumbs, a spy
or an agent provocateur perhaps?), I am sorry to relate that I
hardly payed attention to the speeches given-- which were, if
not as eloquent as I am trying to be writing this with a splitting
headache, obviously passionate, serious, and reasoned.
I think the message of the activists was pretty much in tune
with the description that the eminent "Truth Movement"
leader Dr. David Ray Griffin gives whenever he himself refers
to the Official 9/11 Commission Report. He calls it a "571-page
Among all the faces there, I was most reassured to see that of
Brouillet who has been courageously asking questions about
9/11 longer than anyone else I know. Rebuffed and snubbed by her
own Congresswoman, Anna
Eshoo, Carol ran
against her in 2004.

Carol Brouillet
Photo by Robert Livingston
Carol has been smart and indefatigable in her quest for justice
on behalf of the families of those who died on 9/11, and for others
who have suffered as a result of misguided wars instigated for
an imagined retribution. Once practically alone in her mission,
she has witnessed an explosive increase in the number of people
who distrust and question the government's accounting of what
happened on 9/11.

Photo by Luke Thomas

Photo by Luke Thomas
Like many of the activists today, Carol is especially concerned
by the unconstitutionality of the Patriot Act which eliminates
habeas corpus and of even
newer laws which can give the executive branch of government
more sweeping and unrestricted powers. If anyone comes close to
living up to the reputation of the patriots who protested British
taxes and helped spark a revolution back in 1773 when they tossed
tea into Boston Harbor-- it would be Carol and her closest
As I glanced around and took note of some the more eccentric
characters that strung along with the event today, one being San
Francisco's lovable and quite occasionally discomfiting Frank
Chu, I wondered to myself just how much we really know about
the actual people that composed the original Boston Tea Party.
Had it also in its time its own share of eccentrics, geeks, and
misfits? Too, I wondered what might be different today if less
people spent their weekends glued to television sets or text-messaging
on their cell phones. How relevant is patriotism

Frank Chu returns to planet Earth after an extensive recount of
observable galaxies.
Photo by Luke Thomas

Searching for answers and the truth behind 9/11.
Photo by Luke Thomas
Carol, not one to hesitate despite having pondered such questions,
spurred the group to gathering its stuff and moving back down
the hill toward the bay. Hurrying to keep up, (Dylan Avery, one
of the originators of the phenomenally popular documentaries about
9/11, Loose
Change, among us... damn! I meant to ask him how the film
got its name), we soon rendezvoused at the end of the jetty that
curls out from Aquatic Park.

Dylan Avery (third from left)
Photo by Robert Livingston
There, looking out over the San Francisco Bay, activist John
Wright, wearing a tricorne hat, read a long list of grievances
which began with these words:
"Fellow citizens, the lies and deceptions of the tyrannical
elite within our government regarding the crimes of September
11, 2001 have undermined our democratic processes and liberties,
and have been used to launch wars upon other nations for far too
long. The Executive, Judiciary, and U.S. Congress are hereby advised
that we, the citizenry of these United States, hold an uncompromising
DEMAND for a genuine independent investigation into the attacks
on 9/11/2001 and full accountability for the crime, cover-up,
and abuse of power committed under a veil of deceit."

Photo by Luke Thomas
After he had finished reading (amid cheers of encouragement and
jubilation), Mr. Wright tossed a replica of the Official Commission
Report into the water down below.

Photo by Luke Thomas

Truth activist John Wright tosses a floatable replica of the 9/11
Commission Report
into the frigid waters of the San Francisco Bay.
Photo by Luke Thomas

Photo by Luke Thomas

Photo by Luke Thomas