District 10 candidate calls for separate African American schools

Bayview organizer Charlie Walker
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Pat Murphy
Copyright fogcityjournal.com 2006
January 25, 2006
District 10 supervisor candidate Charlie Walker yesterday called
for creation of a separate San Francisco school system for African
Separating blacks from whites is necessary because current education
of African Americans is not working, Walker told the Sentinel.
"I am hoping seriously that we consider separating blacks
from whites because it's not working," Walker reflected.
"What good did it do us to demonstrate to get our freedom
when we didn't get nothing out of it.
"The women, the gays, the Asians, the Latinos - they got
it and we're still sitting around here. In San Francisco alone,
42% of our people are unemployed.
Walker, a longtime Bayview community organizer, made the remarks
following a Board of Supervisors vote urging the outgoing school
superintendent not to accept her severance pay. The superintendent
is African American.
"Yes, we've got to have separate schools but we've got to
have a budget that is equal to the budget that you educate whites
"It costs $10,000 a year to educate a white child - it costs
$10,000 to educate a black child. It's got to be just that simple.
"I don't think America has really come to grips with the
crime of slavery.
"Whether white people want to admit it slavery is the Achilles'
heel of this country.
"They have not been fair economically to us.
"They have not been fair to us in any way, shape or fashion.
"So what do you do when, in 1860, ninety-eight percent of
our people worked for white people and in 2001 - guess what -
ninety-eight percent of our people still work for white folks.
"So what do you expect to happen?"